Humorous story posted on Fark earlier today: [Broken External Image]:
Here's an illustration of how tame the H2 is compared to the real Hummer - a real Hummer would've run straight over this Dodge truck and kept going. [Broken External Image]:
Wow, I wonder how loud that bang was - 2 3 ton vehicles colliding with each other (what appears to be almost head on or frontal-offset). I doubt our beloved Prius would have fared as well against that much weight :-/ Any idea when the Govt will get a clue and put restrictions on something that heavy?
:lolup: :lolup: :lolup: I've passed this story onto my friends -- just great! Thanks Danny -- that made my day!
Maybe the H2 stands for Ho-Hos (i.e. Hostess Ho-Hos): brittle shell on the outside, creamy sponge cake on the inside. :mrgreen:
The Dodge looks like it got the better end of the deal, which is odd, since I would think the H2 would be bigger. But I'm gonna just guess it's not as well-engineered or safe. I'm thinking we can all agree there. :mrgreen:
From what I can see, it appears that the H2 crumpled more, which means that it probably absorbed more energy than the Dodge did before passing it along to the occupants. Consequently, I imagine the passengers of the H2 may have experiences less trauma as a result. As far as damage goes, the Dodge does look better - though I imagine that both vehicles are easily considered totalled - though someone with skills could probably repair the Dodge if they were determined.
Hey.. I went to the FARK website.. he has run out of bandwidth...I'm going to donate to priuschat to keep us up and running...thanks for all the neat stuff here, Danny....Bob
Ah yes, I should have thought about impact absorbing...I tend to point that out to other people, and I go and forget! My mind is all ajumble with only four days until I leave, and nine until I pick up my Prius! :mrgreen:
There's an actual POST about this on and if you read, the Hummer ran a red light and hit 4 cars... that's why it's SOOO bad
The driver is the owner of the freakin' Hummer dealership!! "The man behind the wheel of the Hummer was Rodney Udd. He owns the Hummer of Alaska dealership on Fifth Avenue, according to salesman Howard Castle at Anchorage Chrysler Dodge, Hummer's parent company. Udd was treated at and released from Providence Alaska Medical Center, a nursing supervisor said. He could not be reached for comment Monday night."
I think he was staring at the Prius next to him when he was waiting while the light was green. In his anger about how dumb he looked in his oversized vehicle he mashed down on the gas without looking at the light again. But that's just speculation of course.