Exactly. With my mileage (from having the larger rims/tires, a shrunken bladder with only 8 gallons and the way I drive, EVEN I'M getting 300 miles+ per tank so there'd maybe be 1 fillup somewhere along the way home but pretty darn good for an 8 gallon car getting 35-40mpg
Ooooh boy... I went there the other day, and boy was that a lonnnnngggg drive all the way from Redmond! But it was a blast, the trails were awesome, and the views spectacular! AND, I saw a '04 Driftwood #9 Prius there too. We "stalked" it all the way up to the top. It was awesome. :mrgreen: I'm all for a meet up there with a picnic and day hike! :multi: :clap: :multi: :clap:
You forgot the following: :crazyeyes: :angel: :rofl: :silly: :jester: :lolup: :naughty: arty: artytime: :tongue: :wave: :icecream: when you posted that last one Star... Are you slipping a bit? I know the news of you not being able to get a NUMBER NINE is major but... gotta remember all your emoticons next time
Starbug, I think you better car pool with a Prius owner in your area. Wouldn't look good to be pulling up in the Beast! Plus, ride sharing is an environmentally good thing.
Oh dear, it seems that the horror of not getting a NUMBER NINE has effected my ability to properly use all available emoticons. I feel so embarrassed; will you ever be able to forgive me? Perhaps I should see a doctor about it... could be a very bad sign. Getting a '05 BC labled as #6...I....I...just can't take that! *falls over* <---we need an emoticon for that! :rofl: :lolup:
LOL, I agree! :lol: Any volunteers? I'll be good, and I promise not to try to con you into trading your Prius for my Beast Blazer... :angel: LOL.
actually "green" ride sharing in a blazer can be done... and we would welcome you and your 8 friends star!!
Smooth...anything with the word PIT (other than BBQ) is a place to stay away from..... my thought only...Bob
LOL you two! As it happens, I might be able to drag a couple of people with me... I better start working on them now... :mrgreen: One good use for Beast: tailgate party! arty: Throw open the back gates, spread the food out, and we're set!
Oh you forgot many things. There is a lot of room in that Blazer. First the Canopy (or two) to keep off the rain. Then there is the Propane Grill, the Propane Stove, the tables for set up and serving. Chairs, color coordinated (Scarlet and Gray) Propane/Electric coolers. The keg of course. I have left several things out but the essence is that Tail Gating is a art developed and refined in the Midwest and particularly in Columbus Ohio. We will work on the details. Remember there is nothing that can not be cooked in a Dutch Oven and that includes Baked Alaska! Go Bucks!!!! :multi: :clap: arty: :jester: :angel: :multi: :clap: :jester: :wave: O H I O
hdrygas: your memory is flawed... EVERYONE KNOWS that tailgaiting started in Ann Arbor, Michigan. in the parking fields (thats right fields, no asphalt here) at the University of Michigan stadium. GO WOLVERINES!!
Dave, Dave, Dave this is a sickness. YOU should do something about this some force has affected you. This is Bad very bad. GO BUCKS!!!! DEATH TO THE MAZE AND BLUE. LONG LIVE THE SCARLET AND GRAY. THE SHOE IS THE SHRINE AND MICHIGAN WILL DIE ON THE ALTER OF THE GRID IRON!! :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :flame: :flame: :multi: :multi: :crazyeyes: :flame: :flame: :multi: :multi: :crazyeyes: :evillaugh:
henry... how many times have i told you that eating buckeyes are poisonous!! symptoms include hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, and a winning football team...
:lolup: :rofl: :lolup: :rofl: OMG you guys! :lolup: :rofl: :lolup: :rofl: G :mrgreen: :clap: :multi: :mrgreen: :clap: :multi: ...and speaking of Dawgs, I love the new Newf With Prius avatar ya got... *hugs Sasha Newf*