Cars on its OEM HV battery My concern is this How much will a aftermarket cat cost and can I use one in PA I hear a lot of compliance concerns when it comes to cats being replaced and am unsure about PA when it comes to this. Odds are I'll call local inspection place and see what the deal is. However for 2 grand this seems pretty solid of everything checks out
Cat was stolen Pa is a emissions state for sure I'm not sure if it needs to be OEM or not These used ones on ebay are not cheap at all
Not sure PA is a CARB state. May want to check before you panic. Here’s a quick guide and explains why Colorado Prius cat thefts have now skyrocketed.
About $200, and "yes" New York is about the "CARBiest" state on the right side of the Rockies, and even those guys don't crawl under your car with a flashlight looking for bootleg cats. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (one of 4) was famously described as Philadelphia and Pittsburg with Alabama in between. Lancaster (one of America's oldest inland cities) pretty much qualifies as "in-between." Your biggest problem with the G2 will be getting your replacement cat stolen by somebody thinking that it has some Beanie-Baby-like resale value.....and let's just say that it probably won't be a local or one of the nearby Amish. If the car is mobile (they CAN be driven post catnapping!) then it's WELL worth $2000 even if it has an OEM traction battery, which can be replaced for about the price of a California Catalytic converter theft claim. Colorado allows aftermarket cats for G2s. Cat thefts there may have "skyrocketed" (numbers?) due to rfactors beyond their "me too" emissions laws. ...NOTE: CARB permits any aftermarket converter to be installed on vehicles older than 5 years and for which the OE emission warranty has expired.
From my experience, the catalytic converter is extraordinarily expensive to get replaced - as expensive or more than replacing a hybrid battery. So if you would still consider the car a good deal for $5000 (2 grand plus 3 grand to replace the catalytic converter), then go for it. Otherwise, I’d leave it alone.
In nearly every state that doesn't begin with CALIFORNI...a catalytic converter replacement is about $250. YMMV
You're the man Odds are I'll just drive it straight to a shop If I can get a cat done on the cheap my plan is to get a OEM toyota hybrid battery and replace the pack immediately on this car and get that right out of the way. My local toyota parts department had them for about 1700 with a core. Either that or get a 2k toaster set of lithium ion modules and sell the current working oem modules
Hi Banksy, A contrarian word of caution, but of course you do what you want. I have 4 Priuses - 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010. I love the gas mileage. But I would never describe a Prius as a reliable car. Each of my cars has problems, some had them before I got them, some came up later. They are not all bat problems. Miles vary from 85k to 235k. Previously I drove a 1981 VW Sirocco from new until the wheels fell off at about 600k miles and after that a Suzuki Esteem until it was totaled by being rear ended at a Costco gas station. Neither of these cars had 1/100th of the problems my Priuses have. I'm kinda enjoying learning about the 12V and HV bat issues the Priuses have, assisted greatly by PriusChat people/experts. So, just be aware of what you are getting into. A new Prius is a cool, reliable car. After about 60,000 the reliability drops off a cliff. Unless you're very good, or very lucky. Just my opinion, and not statistically significant.
All I know is when mine was stolen (twice), I was glad my insurance company covered the replacement, because the bill in both cases was $3000, and I don’t live in California.