I am on my break at work and was thinking about my car. So here is the question: I have SS/SE on my Prius and each Fob has a key built into it and can be ejected from the Fob when needed. Ok...now...What the heck is the key for?? I don't remember seeing a key slot/hole anywhere on the car. So, if the battery dies on the Fob, then what happens when I try to open the doors? I know, this sounds like a stupid question but I had to ask. I guess getting used to using the SS/SE makes me oblivious to key holes/slots on a car... I have been caught on one or two occasions where I approached my wife's car and pull on the handle and it won't open..."Doh!" My wife would say, "Use the KEY dear". Using a key to open a car's door is so Passe...
And the purpose is in case the car or fob battery dies so you can still get in the car. BTW, the fob battery need not be active for the fob to work when in the slot--though smart start won't work if the battery is dead.
Thanks for the reply...since I hardly look very hard at the driver handle bar, I never noticed it.... I normally just touch-and-go...
That's what your significant other told me too!!! 8) 8) :wink: :wink: :mrgreen: Sorry, I'm in that kinda mood today!
Come to think of it...I think about the Prius too dang much! :mrgreen: Eveyone I know thinks I am a Prius/Hybrid fanatic! I told them that there are folks on-line at Priuschat that are even worst than I am...
Would require a rechargable battery, and an induction coil or whatnot in the slot. It's easier and cheaper (though less env. friendly) to replace the 2-3 batteries in the FOB every so often.
Dave, Looks like page 36 and 37 of Owner's manual say use one lithium CR2032 (same as CR32?) and you also need a "special screw driver" to open the lid around the battery. Ha...on page 37, it also showed you how to use the mechanical key to unlock the driver's door when the fob battery is dead. I guess this answered my original dumb question. I should have opened the manual and read it.... Tony.
ok ... ya its the same. its one of those small round watch batteries. some computers use them to keep the CMOS memory and clock going when the system isnt plugged in. so they are supposed to last 7 years in a computer (although most ive seen only go 3-5) i wonder how long the life would be in the Prius. the transmitter would definitely use more power. anyone replaced a battery yet?
No - though I recall reading somewhere that our SE/SS fobs would "die" more quickly than non SE/SS fobs because of the always on receiver and the transmitter. Side note - there should be a red flashing light in the FOB when it's receiving the oscillator signal. And as aways - most people who do RTFM tend to have questions answered. Those of us who read the repair manuals, NCF guides, etc. tend to have extra info at hand Then again, it's all about time and desire to retain this kind of info... LOL