Gen 3....I can do this and get into the 12 amp battery it possible to see hv battery readings anywhere?
As some one else asked: do you know why you want to get into maintenance mode? Just for the hell of it IS a valid reason. If you do get it into maintenance mode, I'd strongly recommend you don't drive while in the mode. It's not meant for regular use, and the transaxle could be damaged. Restarting the car cancels the mode. To check 12 volt battery voltage a digital multimeter is the way to go. Checking the hybrid battery voltage is a LOT more involved. I'm clueless on that, by choice.
I dislike relying on local mechanics and dealers for much of anything. I figure if I can at least check my own batteries then if hv cells do need replacing I will get quotes from professionals. I can buy 12 volt optima online for about 180.00 so I can handle that and the work myself, when needed that is. Other than that I'm not sure diagnostic mode would help me much as I am not so inclined to become a mechanic.
^yup. Indispensable too. Just to sort out all the AA batteries rattling around in the tool drawer. Or to make REALLY sure you've turned off the right 110 volt breaker.
I have a 2013 Prius Two. No Nav package, but all models come with the MFD. Is there a way to do it absent the Nav feature?
After doing as described in a P3 with Nav, select Vehicle Signal and you will see the Aux Battery voltwge, 11.4 in my case.
Maybe we'd feel the same way if you changed your avatar. Thinking about changing mine to be a bit more personal:
As long as we've reanimated this thread, it looks like nobody really responded to the original question. It got confused early on with "maintenance mode", the one that keeps the engine running for smog tests and such. But I think the original poster wanted to know about the diagnostic mode of the infotainment head unit. That's the mode that usually disappoints people when they find out it's of no use for diagnosing anything but infotainment stuff. We have lots of threads showing how to enter it on the LCD/touchscreen head units (either using DISP and touching the screen six times, or the other method with the taillight switch), but not as many that say how to enter it on the lower trim radios with the buttons and the text LCD display. So: you put the car in ACC, turn the audio power OFF, then hold down preset buttons 1 and 6 together while pressing DISC three times. It's in the Repair Manual (more info), in the "AUDIO AND VISUAL SYSTEM: DTC CHECK / CLEAR" section, which also has the rest of the button presses you need to navigate around in the mode. Naturally, it's not quite as self-explaining as the version on the larger screens. A lot of people don't use anything about the diagnostic mode except the voltage measurement on the vehicle signal check screen (which is about the only thing there that's of any use if you're not trying to diagnose the infotainment system itself). But I am not seeing in the manual that the non-touch-screen version includes a voltage display, unless I overlooked it.