Hello, I am a new member to the forum and am trying to send a private message to another member who just replied to my WTB post. I've tried every way possible to find a link, but it appears the only one available is under the screen name and gives me a page not found message. Am I doing something wrong, am I awaiting a moderator to approve, or do I have to post a certain amount? It's incredibly frustrating as I would like to plan something out asap with this member. Thank you, -glenn
This has been a problem on here for a long time... I'm pretty sure it's due to people using an outdated web browser or the wrong web browser. I have always used Google Chrome Beta and never once had an issue with sending a private message. Below are screenshots of two different ways I can send you a private message simply by clicking the link that says, "Start A Conversation."
Highly doubtful it is due to a browser issue. I have tried many different browsers ( including chrome beta ) and none of them work. More likely something is set incorrectly in certain user accounts.
Well if it's something in the member settings that is causing the problem then the admin needs to get that fixed because the revenue generated from ad sales for the site is lower if parts of the site are broken. And it sure would be nice to get an official response from people like @Tideland Prius who have access to admin conversations for this website. The rest of us have been left in the dark on this for too long!
Unfortunately it’s out of my control. Danny has the power to fix it. I’ve asked and he said he’ll get around to it. It’s been broken for a while. I don’t know why.
Well..I'm far from a new member...and it doesn't work for me either. I seem to remember a few other threads about this issue floating around that were somewhat old. Apparently it was never solved!
It's got nothing to do with the browser or settings on the account. But it affects certain members not all. I can not send PM from any computer using any browser from my account but I can receive messages from others fine. Once the conversation thread has started, I can send a message to that person. If I must initiate a new PM conversation, my workaround has been to start a conversation using PriusChat app on the Android phone. I don't have any problem starting a conversation if I am using PriusChat App on my phone.
If anyone needs my help starting a conversation between you and another person I'd be happy to help and will even delete myself from the conversation once its been set up just message me at [email protected]
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the replies. Given that this forum is so huge, I had trouble finding information on this issue if it's just me, certain goals need to be met, or it's everyone, but did find my answer (PriusChat Website Questions | PriusChat) in addition to your thoughts on this. Hopefully it can be resolved soon. I've been on many various car forums for over 20 years and have always found that the private message function is vital to selling and purchasing parts and other things. It's more or less the backbone of the whole site. -glenn
The ownership and management of this site is a VERY strange situation. The original owner tells us virtually NOTHING about who/how the site is actually managed. A bit over a year ago, there were a few subtle clues that he might have even sold the site to someone else. But he won't confirm or deny that either. Overall, the users here are GREAT. The software version is GREAT. The management .......SUCKS.
I shot an arrow in the air........ I just PM'd Sam. The bow went "TWANG!" and the arrow isn't here any more - but I don't know where (or if!) it's landed yet. Since archery doesn't typically achieve escape velocity, and ballistics is a math thing.....either the arrow went where it was aimed, it never really left, or some external force misdirected it. Ain't science cool? (sometimes!... ) I'm not popular enough to get a lot of PMs, and I have no unusual user settings as far as I know. As far as the site and it's management? I get what I pay for and I presume that the owner does too.....based on what the Googles think of me. If the product is free? YOU are the product.
You have to acknowledge him but I don't . Ignore user function is a great thing. One of the sites most redeeming qualities.
Even with it's quirks, it still is "the best thing in town". That doesn't mean that it couldn't be better.