Hello all, We have a 2007 Prius with approx 70K miles. It has been sitting in our garage for a year, and of course now it won't start. Our bad, I know, but in our defense our son was very ill and subsequently passed away. Anyway, I now want to address the situation. The Prius is completely dead, no lights or anything. I have a couple questions for you all: 1. Is it worth it to try to charge the 12v battery so that I could check if the hv battery is also completely dead? 2. Or should I just have it towed to the dealer and trust them? I am leery of taking it to a different repair shop, as I don't know of any reliable ones in my area (if anyone in the west/south Chicago burbs can recommend somewhere, please do so!) 3. If, as I assume is very likely, the hv battery needs replacement, is it worth it to spend thousands to replace it on an '07 Prius with 70K miles? The car was running just fine before all this happened, except for a slow tire leak, for which the dealer had recommended smoothing the wheels, or some such thing. FYI, neither of us is much of the diy type when it comes to cars. Thanks so much for any advice you can provide! KC
Lol, #2 is funny... Trust a car Stealership? Try Erick Becky at EV Powers | Hybrid Battery Service Repair 56 Corry St, Madison, WI. He can probably point to a mechanic you can truly trust in your area. But first know that the 12v could simply be charged up overnight on a quality charger and that could be your only problem. Though replacing the 12v is likely going to be needed in coming months.
Sorry to hear about your son. Your on the right track try to charge up that 12 but it may be too dead to do that. And I'm afraid the hybrid battery is not going to be very happy too i would be shocked if it started. A year is a very long time. I'd like to help you here do you own a digital volt meter? If not go to Lowes or Home depot and buy one. Not a meter one a Digital readout one. Come back and we will help. In the mean tiime throw a charger on the 12 volt. Open the hood and in the black fuse box on the right there is a little red plastic cover. Flip it up that reveals a little metal vertical tang. That's where the red claw on your charger foes. That metal tang is connected directly to the positive battery post of the 12 volt battery in the back. Clamp the black claw of the charger to the nut on the chassis right above the black fuse box. Your good to go start charging let it run and run. At least 24 hours lets see if the fully charged green light on the charger comes on. With the digital voltmeter you buy we can check the battery voltage when done on that front jump point. No need to ever touch the 12 volt battery in the hatch except to replace it. Stay out of there. Btw, was the car left outside the whole year?
even if the hybrid battery is dead, get a new one. for around 2 grande, you'll have a peach for many years to come. not much else on the car is effected by age, just miles.
Yes its well worth it at 70,000 miles. Sitting for a year is not good for any car it may have bad gas. But if any car can come from that its this one! Toughest little car ever.
Thanks for all the helpful responses! I will start with trying to charge the 12v. Can any of you recommend a good charger to use? I will also get a digital volt meter. And to answer edthefox's question, it has been in the garage the entire time. If, as seems likely, the 12v needs to be replaced, is that something we could do on our own? As I said, we aren't very diy with cars, but if it's not too hard it would be nice to save a towing charge. I feel bad about neglecting this awesome car, but I am now determined to get her up and running!
The smart thing to do is take the 12v battery out and take it to an auto supply for charging and subsequent load testing. Often a free service. It may live but its very likely gone. If bad buy a new one there or at Toyota (better battery but may not be worth $50 more). Its easy to remove and safer than trying to jump it since even a jump is difficult on a completely drained 12v battery. Take a picture of the battery before removing and be sure it goes back the same way. Do not listen to anyone who says use a cheaper slightly different 12v battery with adapters. If necessary, ask a neighbor to help after you remove the covers in the back. Changing this battery is no different than any other car except it is in the back and has a simple vent tube plugged in.
We can do a quick load test on it with the DVM your going to buy so don’t pull the 12 yet. Hope is slim but you never know.
I tried testing the battery and got a reading of 0,but I must have done it wrong because I hooked it up to the charger I got, and I didn't have to use the force mode. It's now charging, with the <25% charger slowly blinking.
If you tested it before charging it oh yeah its going to be zero. Let the charger run for at least overnight. Then check it using the front jump point. I have little hope for it to be honest. Is it the original battery or another brand?