Car batteries are now being stolen in my neighborhood. Does anyone know how to protect car batteries the same way some of us have been fortunate to with the covers on the catalytic converters? Early in the pandemic, I noticed the hood of my Prius was popped open, and when I went onto the Prius chat forum, people thought I had most likely forgotten to close it, but I still don't think so. Nothing was stolen, and I've been driving the car since. Anyway, thanks for any advice.
Sorry, I know we have 2 batteries, right? I'm talking about the one in the front (thank you for anyone's patience with me, not really a car person.)
jenny, what are you driving? this is a gen4 forum, (battery under the hood) but you show 2008 (battery under the hatch) under the hood would require unlocking your car door, or vandalizing it. you could certainly have someone weld up a locking frame, but there's nothing on the market that i'm familiar with. surprised to hear they are stealing 12 volts, hybrid battery is much more common and valuable
There have been a few west coast States reports of hybrid batteries being stolen. And of course they just cut the wires leading into it, so between the battery and cable replacement cost, it can "total" the car. And yeah, until you get to 4th gen Prius (model year 2016 and onwards), there is NO battery in the front, under the hood; both the hybrid and 12 batteries are 'round back.