As stated in the title, I feel that my AC is a bit weak. The fan works great and I just replaced the cabin air filter. I recently purchased the Prius about a month ago and while driving it is putting out cool air, but not cold air, like I have in my Tundra and 2000 Wrangler. It takes a very long time to cool off the Prius. I am not sure if the Prius AC is weaker being an electric system. I have setup an appointment with a local repair shop that specializes in Prius and Hybrid AC work (so they use the correct refrigerant and oil. I just checked my AC sight glass and I am not getting any air bubbles when it is running (I have it running on full fan speed and max cool). But I don't even feel like I am seeing that sight glass full. Is it supposed to be full in there? Should I see the refrigerant flowing in there? I checked my air temperatures while it is parked in my garage. The outside temperature is 90 degrees and it was putting out 48 degrees from the vent, which from what I understand is a good temperature spread. But while driving and it is being beat down by the sun it is not this cold, the air just is not that cold like my other vehicles. Before I go and spend $150+ going to a shop I want to make sure this isn't just normal Prius AC. I would hate to waste that money if they say everything is as it should be. I could also add R-134a myself, but I don't know if I am low since I am not seeing any bubbles in the sight glass and I don't want to overfill the system. Thank you for your help.
I've had three gen 2 prius now and I must say that none of them got ice cold like some other cars. I changed the filters and made sure they were topped up etc. but it made no difference. They are cool enough but never icy like some others.
Oops, missed that you already did the cabin filter in the original post. If you want better A/C function than what you have, then the first step is to have the system evaluated by hooking up gauges to read high and low side pressures, then recover and recharge to the correct amount of refrigerant. Then check for leaks. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks @dolj @lexidium @mr_guy_mann, that is what I wanted to know. I wanted to make sure that this is not normal (as I suspected). Now I feel comfortable bringing it into a shop and having them check the system. Does anyone know exactly what the sight glass should look like? Should it be full and should I see refrigerant flowing through it? As I said, I am not seeing bubble forming in the sight glass, but I also don't see refrigerant flowing through it. I think I see just a bit at the very bottom but it doesn't seem to be flowing or moving. I could just be seeing it incorrectly/not know what I am looking for.
Buy this freon 134a , it is pure 134a with zero other ingredients. Also buy this adapter to add the freon at WALMART ***You will probably only need less than one ounce.
^^^ that’s what I did as well. Definitely make sure it’s just R134a and no oil. My 06 gets nice and cold for sure.
I’m going to guess that your low pressure suction line from your firewall all the way back to your compressor does not condensate water
It should get very cold very fast . Unless it was sitting out in the sun and it’s 120° in the cab and all the vinyl and the dash and seats are very hot it will take a bit longer to pull all that down first.
Your side window glass if you have properly working air conditioning in your Prius you should be able to write the word cold on the watery condensation forming on the outside of your passenger and driver window as described in this YouTube video link
I can believe you observe that much condensation in San Francisco since the humidity is usually over 75% and the ambient air temperature rarely breaks 90F. However, I would be amazed to see that sort of condensation in most of Southern California, where the humidity is much lower (especially in the summer months, when the AC would normally run) and summer daytime temperatures over 90F (or even 100F) are all too common.
True. Regional specific. Just can’t imagine how much water pours out of the southern & Eastern humid states
No condensation here either. you have a slow leak just like What I went through. Stop using the ac and get it to the shop for the $150 charge and dye insertion for leak check and hope it’s not the evap coil. Properly working G2 is freezing even on the hottest day at least mine is. Works great. Good luck.
So I moved the thermometer to the passenger center vent and I was getting 42 as the low reading when the compressor was running. I called the repair shop that was going to work on my AC, since I live in the desert of Southern California, they said this temperature is normal, and that at best they would be able to get it down maybe 1-2 degrees, but they didn't think it was having an issue yet. I have talked to people out here and one with a Prius and they said that tinting helped a bunch because the AC is not fighting against all the sun radiation heat coming in. He said, his struggled out here until he tinted it, and now the AC keeps up no problem. So I'm starting to think my AC is fine and it is just having a hard time keeping up with all the sun coming in through all the giant windows.
If you’re getting 42°F out the dash on 85°F or 90°F day that’s perfect and call it good I did the tint on all the windows 360° even the front windshield. The front windshield I did the latest tent possible but I use the 3M crystalline that has the high IR infrared and UV ultraviolet light blocking capability. The infrared light spectrum is what causes all your interior materials to heat up including your skin when the sun hits you The ultraviolet light spectrum is what fades colors and causes plastics to crack. Ultraviolet light from the sun is also what causes your skin to feel like it’s burning and actually causes sunburn and skin cancer.
Oh yeah tint for sure. Prius windshield has a very big cross section since it’s angled so much. Freakin hot house window. Sun is so much hotter than it was 14 years ago. First thing I bought when my 07 was new was tint and a Weathertech windshield shade. This not the piece of junk you buy at a auto parts store it’s insulated and custom fitted to the car. Still using it today. I also made a form fitted shade out of insulation board for the rear so sun is not beating on the trunk area. Hybrid battery area. Extend the back fabric shade and it’s bungeeded To that. These Keep the car very cool. only heard the hybrid fan come on once real loud that was after I parked the car in the sun and left the window shade out.