Good news indeed but, frankly, expected. Not quite hitting the lottery when thousands of others have received the same consideration (including me years ago). I think the 800 lb gorilla is the head gasket issue, also experienced by many for years but now approaching critical mass. Excuses abound but its clearly a design flaw that manifests in a slow, intermittent fashion. I hear the Iranians are developing a secret egr stockpile based on Mendel's recommendations. Hopefully Microsoft has hidden code in the valve.
It might be possible to program a ScanGauge to retrieve brake system codes. Conveniently, the brake system in Gen 3 still has the ability to blink out two-digit codes on the dash lights. Getting the codes that way eliminates any dependency on a scan tool, and eliminates all those "are these really the codes, or is it my scan tool?" questions.
Just picked up the car. Asked what cost would have been. $3,239.16 which would include 3 days rental car loaner. I’m happy!
Are there any other consumer support programs for our Prius V’s like the one for the break booster/abs?
Here’s another customer support repair program Toyota covers
Make sure you have the firmware update for the inverter and that will be done with the new brakes..... because the Power module inside it will blow next.....and leave you stranded....
Heard the booster pump come on a couple of times while stopped,not like before where it was always constant but I’m now keenly aware when I near it. how often is it supposed to come on? have a great weekend
another toyota blunder..... yes they fix it.....but really bad if your on a trip. Very inconvenient. I know firsthand.....inverter, brake system and head gasket......did put a new traction battery in but was expecting that. And of course the entire EGR System was Plugged. Kind of a screwy car but they do get good mpg.