My 2012 Prius has a pretty basic package. There is one unused button on the steering wheel above the Bluetooth phone pickup and hang up buttons. I'm thinking about a small mod but I am trying to decide how big of a hassle it would be to use that unused button. I'm guessing it would be a big hassle. There are also a number of other unused buttons (blank spaces actually) to the left of the steering wheel. They are likely much easier to access but much less convenient to use. Anyone have any experience with this that can give me some idea of the degree of difficulty?
Not sure if this helps at but I recently installed a stereo in my 2015 prius, kenwood DNR476S. It had an options to keep and use the functions of the steering wheel with an extra hardware. It's called maestro rr, it allowed me to keep the button as is or it gave me the option to change the buttons function all together with out cutting or splicing. So that useless button could be anything with this. On top of that I can add extra futures to the buttons like when I hold a button it does what I programed it to do, for example the volume lower button if I hold it. My music mutes.