I took my 2018 Prius C in for its 36 month service (18,000 miles) today. The good-reputation local mechanic shop intake person suggested I should have all my fluids drained and replaced at this interval. I declined since that is not listed in the books as required at this point. On looking at threads on this web site I found that Automatic Transmission fluids should be replaced at 120,000 miles and engine/inverter coolant at 150,000 miles. I can't find anything on the brake fluid replacement cycle. One post suggested you change the brake fluid when you change out the brake pads. What is the recommended mileage or months? Parallel question. The Service Manual says that I should use a one year cycle on engine oil if it is 0W-16/0W-20 motor oil. My local guy put 0W20 Synthetic oil in the car at the oil change six months ago. Is this the same thing as what Toyota is recommending or is it something not quite as good? What should I be using?
follow the maintenance schedule. brake fluid is not recommended, so you have t decide for yourself. you will get plenty of opinions here. my car is 9 years, 65,000 miles, i haven't touched it. sounds like the right oil, one year or 10,000 miles on mine.
Oil Correct : 1 yr or 10k Miles Brake Fluid is complicated. My honda recommended Brake Fluid change every 3 years . Toyota says "keep an eye on it". With that said, Brake Fluid is hygroscopic and does attract water. If you do change it , use new unopened / sealed bottles. You can't really "save" brake fluid for the next service as i mentioned, it attracts water.
Toyota Canada was saying tri-yearly or 48k for the brake fluid. For the coolant you’re off the mark some I think: Toyota USA says 10 yrs or 100k miles for engine, 15 years or 150k miles for inverter, and 5 years or 50k miles for both thereafter. there’s NOTHING wrong with 0W20. transaxle fluid change, I’d do first around 1year or 10k miles.