I got an electrician installing a 40A breaker in my panel with the idea of getting a receptacle outside to charge my car at 220/240. I’m currently having problems finding an adapter for the 6-50 receptacle to the 5-15 in the universal Prius prime charger. Can anyone recommend an adapter for this situation? I bought a 10-30P to 5-15R by mistake should I consider changing the receptacle outside to a 10-30 if I can’t find an adapter. Appreciate any help!
Something like this? NEMA 5-15 Female to 6-50 Male Adapter Cable UL Listed for Welder EV Electric Car | eBay
Thanks Bisco I will consider that the electrician has to come back to finish part of the job so I might as well ask him to change it.
I have seen similar ones but if the Prius maxes out at 16A that’s only 15A on the 110 side wouldn’t that be a problem?
The charger is inside the car and it regulates the amperage. I don't know much about electricity (just basic university physics) but my understanding is that the car is the one controlling what comes in. E.g. I plug my Prime into a 6-50R with a 16A EVSE that has a 6-50P head
16A Level 2 EVSE LCS-20 | ClipperCreek If you plan to go BEV in the future or as a second car, I'd recommend getting a faster charge than this one. This one outputs 3.3kW which is what the Prime accepts. Newer EVs accept anywhere from 7.2kW to 11kW (although 11kW require a hardwire connection. Plug-in EVSEs top out at 9.6kW which is fast enough tbh. One would have to have a unique situation [e.g. realtor or carshare] where they'd arrive home nearly empty and need a full charge in 8 hours the following day)
I would recommend checking with your electric utility and state to see if they have any rebates on EVSEs. Where my parents live (NY state) they were able to get a $600 JuiceBox 30 or 40amp for the price of a cheap charger off of Amazon (< $200). While way more than what is needed for a Prime, it proves future proofing.