Finally, after a mere 80 day wait from deposit to delivery, our 2007 Silver Package 2 was brought home. Ordered August 8, picked up Oct 23. Only nine days after dealer's anticipated delivery date on our original contract. I'm already getting the hang of pulse and glide which is kinda cool! Only managed about 75 miles today as I had other projects to work on. I really love the silence when pulling up to a stop sign. Dropped the Prius off this afternoon for clear paint protection and window tinting. I will have it back in my hands Wednesday afternoon. First "free" or "nearly free" mods??? Ripped off the ugly trim rims and dealer advertising license plate frames. Replaced license plate screws with stainless fasteners. Added blind spot mirrors. Replaced headlights with Silvania Silverstars. (I had these from a motorcycle I sold so they were "in stock," so to speak.) Those bulbs are awesome and make the stock halogens look like dull yellow light! Winter tires are currently under consideration and a decision on those will be happening soon. Damn, too bad this is my wife's car :lol: :huh: <_< Grrrr! Now, one day more before we have it back :blink: I think I'll survive that wait too... <div align="center"></div>
Thanks guys. I'll have to post a new pic that includes the tinting. Had 35% all around and a 4" strip on the top edge of the windsield. Looks great! B)
You (or your wife) will really enjoy your new Prius. It will only get better from here and you'll soon be a member of the cult (um, club.) Take advantage of all of the great information you'll find on PriusChat.
You'll enjoy the car. Ours is silver, as well. I think the color looks great, as it matches the color of the wheels. Doesn't show dirt, either. Window tinting is a near necessity in Texas, and adds to the look of the car. Suggest you put a towel on the center arm rest, as it is absorbant and stains easily. Also, for long drives I put a pillow on the armrest since it is a little too low for my comfort. If our experience is any indicator your mileage will gradually increase with time. That is due in part to the car breaking in and in part due to you breaking in to the car. We average over 50 mpg now without doing anything extraordinary. May be my imagination, but the battery seems to charge faster now, as well. The first month I had to turn off the display while driving in town as it was more interesting than watching traffic. It's like driving a video game. Enjoy.