That’s us. our garage has double doors, uninsulated and west facing (new doors on order). We’ve put up with it for over 30 years, but the last few years it can be slow-death in there some afternoons, even with an in-window fan . house mostly has infrared-blocking, up-to-date, doubl-pane glass with thermal break, but older skylights don’t. House is pretty tight too. S’okay till mid-afternoon, then we just hunker lol. Note the time of screen grab, 9:52 am:
Only somebody in Bastan would consider BC to be "temperate." AC is more of a humidity thing than a cooling thing 84 here. Fahrenheit .....some 19-degrees degrees further south in latitude (In the RIGHT direction.) 84° 124% Humidity SE 17 mph Sunshine and clouds mixed. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 87F. Low 74F Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph. Weather is climate. Climate is weather.
Is that like when I walk down the juice aisle at the supermarket and all the products say "100% Juice with added ingredients"? In my earlier, winter hunkering experiments, I noticed how efficient it could be to use a small heated blanket and do less heating of the space. I later brought the same idea indoors and tried out a heated mattress pad, and programming the house's setback thermostat even further back overnight. Very comfortable. The mattress thingy I bought was not the kind with electric resistance elements in it. Instead it has tubes. There's a separate bedside unit that heats and quietly pumps water through it. (I bought under a US brand based in Washington state, but labeling on the pieces seems to give the credit to a Korean outfit, Poogny, or Pukhenee, I guess depending on who's transliterating it today.) The ads for such things always play up the "no EMFs like electric blankets!" angle, which really isn't a concern of mine, but they also nicely get around some of the risks of localized hotspots or heating-wire breaks. They also open the possibility of pumping cooled water through the pad, for comfort in hot weather with less need for air conditioning. Shortly after I bought mine (isn't it always the way?) they revised their bedside pump unit to one that both heats and (thermoelectrically) cools.
97 here for the next two days, and plenty of humidity. highest i have ever witnessed here was 105f. palm springs was 120f. we ran at sun up and stayed inside the rest of the day. even the pool ws boiling, but that was a dry heat.
Central Texas is the new Southern California, at least this week. The high for the day is 84f. Not enough delta t to raise the indoor temp to setpoint. Encapsulated attic helps.
On this side of the border, there was a run on all types of cooling units early to mid last week. Since then, when word of a shipment arriving overnight gets out, there have been waiting lines forming at the doors waiting for morning opening. And twice as many people in line as units available. Fans are all gone too. I've been mulling getting a second ductless minisplit heat pump, on the opposite end of the house from the existing unit. This would offset nearly all the remaining electric heat down to significantly colder winter temperatures, and put some cooling directly into the master bedroom. That won't happen for a while now, as the installers are slammed, and the supply chain is likely to remain depleted for the rest of this summer. There are DIY-install units to be considered this fall.
i have a new window unit at the ready for the bedroom if the central goes down, or the power. funny, i never even considered a/c until i hit 50. but these ductless mini splits have converted a lot of people who didn't want to or couldn't add central
LOL because Southern California is the new Texas this week. Yesterday was 98°F with 71° dew point. Even 105-110° isn't bad was long as the dew point is low <40°, but it gets oppressive above 70°
A very sad but necessary followup -- Lytton BC continued setting new all-Canada all-time heat records: 117.5 F on Monday, 121.2 F (49.6 C) on Tuesday. Wednesday evening, just about all of Lytton burned: Canada hunts for survivors of fire that destroyed small town IN PHOTOS: Scenes of destruction after wildfire destroys village of Lytton, B.C.
Lyton BC set a Canada wide temp record a day or two back, then went up in flames… ^ I had the above typed yesterday, but couldn’t decide to post it. Thanks for posting, and the links. It’s terrible for sure.
Lot of sadness when I saw this tragedy at the news , all of our prayers for your great community and hope this will end soon ... wish everybody who was touched by this terrible heat to recover and get well soon..
Lyton BC, CAN is this years unfortunate poster child so far. In 2020 it was Paradise CA, US, which also has an unfortunately ironic name. == Based on first data that comes to hand, Canada 2021 has 52% of average annual forest area burned so far, while US 2021 has 10%. It is early in fire seasons for both.