I used paint tape to tape newspaper around the emblem to plasti dip them. It looks like the tape is old and left just a bit sticky residue on. Would anyone know what I should use to clean this up.
If you don't have Goo Gone, WD40 (or any similar petroleum distillate) was great at removing residue on CD/DVD jewel case seals (remember them?)
Those side emblems are just double sided tape on. I would have used fish tape to remove the emblems, then you can be as messy as you want with painting the emblems. Or leave them off completely like I did (see my avatar pic). Go emblemless.
Kerosene? Or it’s one of the main ingredients in WD40 anyway. Still, avoids dealing with another spray can down the road (I’ve got more’n my share).
Is that a glossy plastidip? When I used it on my old truck a while back it was very flat/matte. 2011 Prius w/ solar roof (RIP) 2019 Prius (traded) 2013 Prius 2021 Prius Prime (In that order)
Inspired me. Did the plastidip treatment to mine. Posted pics in another thread about modifications to Primes. Thanks.