2017 Prime. I have a dead animal stink inside the car. I opened the hood and found evidence of mice nest. Attached is photo of the cabin filter I removed. Are any parts of the cabin air system easily removed to search for dead rodents.
That looks like part of the intake screen on the filter, and it doesn't look like they got through the filter so would be betrween there and the intake. I'd start by disconnecting the intake and replacing that screen while you're in there.
If you don't find them, take the car to a mechanic. Once the car is on the lift with a flash light you will find it. Also, adopt a cat.
There are about 4 stray cats in the area. They are lazy, neighbors must be feeding them. I have put out mouse traps for about 3 weeks now. Was catching 2 a day at first, now it's been nearly a week and none taking the bait. hopefully they have moved on to a less dangerous environment. Smell is the most concern now.
You caught the dumb ones... The smart ones are refining their strategy and planning their next assault. ....as well as breeding the next generation of still-smarter mice! I was going to add earlier that snakes are another way of keeping mice in check. Our property has plenty of both. Downside to that is that when you see a shed snakeskin hanging from the undercarriage of your car - suddenly people are not eager to ride in your car.
They got through (or could have). Attached is a photo of the back side of the filter showing the hole. SM-N975U ?
Yes. Assuming it’s sim to 3rd gen, you need to remove plastic windshield trim, wipers/motor, and the metal cowl below. 1/4” anti-rodent mesh screwed over the opening does the trick. Maybe apply at end of engine air intake snorkel too; that’s relatively easy.
Since you found a nest in the engine compartment you’ll probably want to look for chewed wires/connectors. Hopefully you don’t find any. When you pulled the air filter out did you look at the blower wheel? Perhaps you’ll find another nest in there.
How much backing soda? Teaspoon, tablespoon? I don't want to clog the filter with baking soda. SM-N975U ?
When I had a rodent invasion, the rat made it to the squirrel cage fan, where it was beaten to death when the AC was turned on. I used my cell phone camera to see into the fan and that's how I spotted the corpse. We caught it before it started to stink. I removed the filter and then sprayed Febreze liberally into the opening.
i just sprinkled it all over the filter. i was more concerned about eliminating the smell than filtering the air, and the filter is loose enough to let air be forced around it. i did it twice for good measure, a couple weeks each, then replaced the filter. the down side was the baking soda eventually coming out the air vents. it's hard to clean inside the vents. i dodn't pop them out.
We don't have a "barn cat" but have been reasonably successful keeping rodents away from our tractor and outside car (the PIP sleeps outside) with mothballs (in a sachet like bag) or Tomcat Rodent Repellent. Either will need to be occasionally replenished.