After a long hiatus, 1.5 years or so, I finally found the best solution for my wife and I on my 2006. I had seen posts over the years recommending Obusforme, but I was hesitant to spend the money on those relatively expensive cushions. Well, at about $150 for each set (1 seat cushion and 1 lumbar support with adjustable air bladder), the cushions are worth their weight in gold! A little background-We bought the Prius in October 2013 and used it as our primary road trip vehicle for 6.5 years. We put 150,000 miles on it in that time (car has 244k) Then we started getting back pain on long trips. I would be sore for a few days. I bought several different cushions at Walmart and my local auto parts store and only got moderate relief. We finally gave up and started driving my Tundra Limited on trips-no back pain with that thing. After getting tired of spending almost triple the amount on gas for my trips, I wanted to try one last time to make the Prius comfortable or just get rid of it. These cushions have worked like a charm! We’ve done two 1000 mile round trips and both felt great afterwards. The Prius is BAAACK!! Bottom seat cushion: Contoured Seat Cushion Adjustable Lumbar seat back cushion: CustomAIR Backrest with Adjustable Lumbar Support - ObusForme The 2 pieces are made to work together. There are 2 velcro straps on the bottom cushion that attach to the seatback. It stays together nicely and is incredibly comfortable!
I didnt like how the 20-40 dollar lumbar cushions would push me too far foward when i sat which made me have to drop the seat back, but mess up the distance between my legs and my foot. How do these lumbar cushion fair?
The cushions still do push me up a bit forward. I have to move the seat back, just like the cheap ones. But it didn’t cause any leg distance issues, for me or my wife at least. However, it does make you sit up a little taller, so if you’re 6’ or taller this might not work