Anyone had experience with this combination on the Prime? Our community is changing the gate access to use RFID and they insist our sticker will have to be attached to the headlight because our Prime has rain sensing wipers. From the research I’ve done, it seems to me that this is only an issue if the car has a metal oxide windshield or if the sticker would block the rain sensor. Neither seems to be the case with the Prime, as far as I can tell. I really don’t want to have the sticker attached to the headlight because of the potential for cosmetic damage if the sticker is ever removed. Also, given the shape of the headlight, I’m not even sure it would be practicable. If anyone on here has experience with this issue I would greatly appreciate your input. Thanks!
This is stupid. What company is providing the new gate equipment ? We recently changed over. In my experience, the community "management" cannot be trusted to give right almost anything. You need to talk to the company providing the equipment......and an actual technician, not some sales person. Headlights generate heat; some more than others. That is a BAD place to try and glue anything to. The sensor for wipers is almost always in the top center of the windshield, behind the rear view mirror along with the sensor for headlight dimming and maybe other things too. The RFID tag should be put on the upper outside corner of the windshield closest to the reader mechanism on the driveway. You can test it by attaching it there with a couple of pieces of scotch tape.
Here in Chicagoland "Botanic Gardens" uses RFID stickers on the windshield for admissions. I have a 2018 PP Advanced with the sticker mounted in the lower driver's side corner of the windshield. I've never had a issue nor do I remember ever getting any sort of advisory from Botanic regarding any issue. YMMV J
Thanks! Just to be clear, have you or have you not used an RFID sticker on a Prime with rain sensing wipers? I am not naive enough to think that management could be trusted to know the right answer, that’s why I’ve been researching it. Your suggestions to contact the company providing the sticker and to try it out by taping it to the windshield were good ones although I had already considered them. Just wanted to check here 1st to see if anyone had experience with it. Thanks again!
NO. But there is no good reason to think that model should be any different than most others with similar features. I have two cars with "sensing" wipers and both have the stickers mounted on the upper right corner of the windshield because the "reader" is on the right side of the entry. I also have a motorcycle with a different kind of sticker.......and the company said they sometimes use that kind on cars where the standard one doesn't work good. In your original post you mentioned the only situation where there is a serious problem, I think.
I do think it would be an issue. The rain sensor is mounted where the rearview mirror is. At about 1:25 in this video.
Thanks, I knew where the rain sensor is and unless they try to attach the RFID sticker in that area I don’t think that would be a problem.