Just wanted to see how others drive their Prime. I use EV Mode only until the battery dies (Eco Mode on the city streets, Normal Mode on Freeway, NEVER use Power Mode). After the EV dies, I drive it in Normal Mode on the regular hybrid engine. I haven't even tried the EVtoHV button. Should I be using it? Or am I doing the right thing by just driving solely in EV Mode until it is dead and then it switches over to Hybrid?
That’s fine. (And there’s nothing wrong with using PWR mode. It just changes the throttle mapping on the accelerator). If you want to extend your range, you could press the EV/HV button to go into hybrid mode while on the freeway and switch back to EV mode when you get off the freeway and onto surface streets. Also, if you haven’t read your manual yet, there’s a secret function to that EV/HV button - CHG mode. It’s not efficient but if you wanted to, you could use the engine to quick charge the battery (up to 80% only) to gain EV range.
just keep your car in normal mode and drive normally. use the cruise control when you're on the freeway and try to avoid hard acceleration. coast to a stop versus riding the brakes.
Don't worry, just drive. If you want to extend your range, don't press either pedal too hard. You can mess around with the modes if you like, but it works perfectly fine in default mode. People on the forum seem to like to "save" the EV for stop-and-go / city driving, but HV works really well there too. I haven't owned my PP very long, but, so far, I don't see much of a difference either way. No reason to over-think unless you want to.
Mode does not equal mode. The two mode functions are different and unrelated. ECO-Normal-PWR is merely how much scoot you get from pushing the accelerator pedal part way. Use which ever you like, and there is no real need to switch. We like PWR on the highway so there is more giddy-up to get into a hole in traffic. Normal or ECO works for us at all other times. EV-HV-EV/Auto is completely different. Use EV all the time. Your car's system is smart. It'll take care of things. The only exception we use is for one route beyond battery range that is hilly. EV/Auto uses the engine uphill and saves the battery for other sections. We use less gas than EV all the way. Otherwise it's EV all the time. Don't overthink these things. Drive safely, drive courteously, and then drive efficiently. Keep it in EV, watch the traffic, put on some good music.
I found another use for Charge Mode as well. Recently I needed to use up my old gas (last filled in October). I used charge mode to try to be as inefficient as possible. It still took me a few weeks until I was finally down to 1/8 tank and this time only partially filled again.