3rd Gen forum, 2018 Prius Gen III Like all Prius' when I turn on the headlights the dash lights and the display screen dim. I would like to defeat this feature. Any suggestions? Jerryd
Raytheeagle, Thanks for the reply. The dimmer switch was set at half way. When I set it up to max the lights and display stay bright with the headlights on. Strange that scrolling the dimmer switch anywhere from just on to full on doesn't change the brightness of the dash lights or the display screen. I would think they should get brighter and brighter as I scrolled from left to right? Jerryd
It should change some unless something is affecting the functionality of the switch. If not, I’d investigate that further. Good luck and keep us posted .
Try it again at night. They will not dim in the daytime with the headlights OFF. Does finding that "click stop" on the dimmer solve your problem ?
3rd Gen forum, I think I have figured out what the dimmer switch does. With the headlights off the dash and display lights will always be at max brightness unless you turn the switch to the off position. With the headlights on the dash and display lights will be at the brightness of the position of the dimmer switch. Can't understand why Toyota wouldn't have it dim with or without headlights. Don't make my decisions for me but give me an option. Thanks for the replies. Jerryd
OP said 2018 Gen III. But profile says 2012 c. But problem could be with any of them . Glad we’re specific .
3rd Gen forum, Sorry the 2018 is new to me. My wife has the 2012 C that has been one of the best cars we have ever owned. Jerryd
Two reasons. 1) Pretty much every vehicle ever made works that way. 2) There is no reason to "dim" the dash lights in the daytime because in the original designs, they weren't even on then.......and on many models they still aren't.
Its post like these that makes me stay away from the forum more than I want to; posting non turd gen questions & fixes in this sub forum intentionally.
Safety would be the reason it would be at max during daytime and not adjustable. Toyota would hate to allow you to drive it at lowest brightness then turn right into the sun and you suddenly can’t see the dash readout, look down to adjust brightness causing an accident because you took your eyes off the road because you were distracted.
Related question here - I have a 2012 Prius II and 2011 Prius IV. I leave my headlight on 100% of the time on both cars. When it's light outside, the 2012 automatically makes the dashboard brighter. When it's dark the dashboard lights dim to the setting I pic on the dial (left of the steering wheel). The outside light seems to have no effect on the 2011 at all. The only thing that effects the dashboard brightness on the 2011 is the dial. Both cars have the little "dome" on the right side of the dash near the front window. Question is this: Is my 2011 operating as it should or is something broken? I prefer the action of the 2012 where the dash gets bright when it's bright outside so I can see it, then goes back to the "dial" setting after sunset.
Not broken -- it's the same in my 2010. The brightness sensor ("dome") is only used to automatically adjust the navigation display. Only the dial affects the dash brightness. Annoying, I know. Nice that they fixed it in 2012 though.
My 2010 does adjust like that, but only because I did the auto-headlight mod. The little dome solar sensor on the dash does already have an output to control the lighting, and the Body ECU already knows what to do with that, so the "mod" just involves supplying the missing wire to connect them.
Sorry guys I was on Vaca - thanks SO MUCH to both of you. Chapman - totally gonna try the mod when I get some time. Love the idea.