While driving my cars red triangle came on and lost gas engine power. Will not restart. It has oil. It throws codes p3190. And p0011 please help
Sally, I wish I had better news for you. The P3190 is triggered by 'Poor engine performance" and the P0011 is Camshaft Position "A" - Timing Over-Advanced or System Performance (Bank 1). There's a few things that could cause this like a failure of the timing advance mechanism or the timing chain jumping a tooth, or even an ECU failure. It's unlikely to be a really quick fix, but if lucky it may just be a position sensor or timing control valve/filter. It's likely this will be a trip to a competent mechanic familiar with Prius vehicles or a dealership to perform proper diagnosis. The very first step of the repair manual (for a P0011 code) is to inspect the timing marks on the timing chain/gears to see if it slipped/jumped a tooth. Most likely you have a failure somewhere in the ignition timing circuit (which could be electrical or mechanical) which has advanced the ignition timing far enough it's now out of tolerance, triggering the P0011. That change in ignition timing has created a condition where the engine is now making poor power, causing the P3190. What tool did you use to determine the codes?
There is a good, independent hybrid car repair shop in Sanford NC - Taylor Automotive. The previous owner started the Hybrid Battery refurbishing business with their ReInVolt (I used one to fix my 2004 Prius at 195k miles and it was still working well at 288k miles).
Bill Taylor sold the rights to his refurbishing process to Dorman but I don't know if he is still actively affiliated with them. Dorman's quality of their refurbished batteries seems a bit spotty from the reports that I have seen. JeffD
and after the many hours of frustration and emergency and waiting on parts, i asked 'at what point does a 16 year old car become not worth it to have double the city mpg of a regular car without all the special hybrid needs and quarks ? shocks prob. need replacing, abs unit is not 100% and fo sho the NiMh chemistry is not a long term solution .. how much $ do u sink into a car to save $ on gas ? yes u would normally spend $ on a normal car for parts wear but they are known wear items that nearly all mechanics can work on and parts are not niche. Say you drive 10000 miles a year at 50 mpg and gas is $3/gal - 10 gal gets you about 500 miles for only $30. So you'll spend $600 to go the 10k miles for the year, compared to $1200 for a non-hybrid car. But the car is old and you need another traction battery at $1400 . - -- All these number have been worked out in another thread on this site - factor in the frustration factor addition ... I know this thread is about a cam position sensor error, but if she has over 10yr old car , you know the traction battery is coming up ....
u do know the ABS unit is very prone to crappying out right after the traction battery, which in hotter climates comes around130k+ .. with heavy stop and go (aka making deliveries the last year with it) , the abs pump/module died at 165k+ .. that is a real pia of a job , and not cheap by any mechanic, 1st time not fun ,, guys on utube may make it look ez but it wasnt their 1st time either .. not exactly walk in park getting one .. take your chances on a used one .. one i got from craigslist by the barely english speaking spanish people was not 100% and the guy wanted to replace it or have me bring it back to him for replacement .. he seemed to thing it was a 30 min job (maybe it is 30 min to remove if your cutting lines) .. and then he claimed it was bought from bone yard and he had to return original to get money back ..
Its a miystery i guess .. u nkow the prius is good for 500k mileage so what does that matter ? ha .. the problem isnt a secret but the milage is - ? gues they ole sally sho nuf not be in too big a hurry to be a gettin her baby fixed when she cant even\ report how many miles on da clock ... sally strikes it silly ...
I get annoyed when they can't get their, there and they're, right. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Couldn't the P0011 have been caused by low engine oil, and the P3190 be from the engine being seized do to running out of oil? I'd start by seeing if the engine spins and doesn't have a window in the block. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Anything and everything is possible. I've learned that the hard way several times. I took this to mean she checked the oil and it was in tolerance. While driving my cars red triangle came on and lost gas engine power. Will not restart. It has oil. It throws codes p3190. And p0011 please help
I didn't that it had oil in it. I guess the question is did it have oil in it when it died? If so, it's likely out of gas. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Sorry I haven’t seen all of these. I have been working a lot lately and it has301000 on it Wow like wow sorry but I haven’t had time to check back I work full time take care of kids and a sick husband and so sorry ! I do need it fixed it is still sitting in my driveway and walking to and from work in the heat sucks. It has oil. Plus just checked prior to taking car out.
Hi thanks...thats alot of miles. We see that P11 alot. I'm starting to think that P011 is the engine is just plain whooped and the sensor reading between the cam fg and the crank fg are so sloppy and out of range the engine ecu throws that code. Along with the P3190 pretty much sums it up. The crankshaft is not where its expected to be because poor power and that's poor performance. Im sorry but it may be new engine time. We see that alot here used engines are available and the labor is usually not bad like a $1000 or more.
Hi Sally, Out of everyone in this thread, including myself, I would first follow Avi's lead in post 15 and see where it goes. He has more experience than all the rest of us put together. From post 15: I guess the question is did it have oil in it when it died? If so, it's likely out of gas. This is definitely the quickest and easiest solution to try. Sometimes the Gen 2 fuel level indication can be a liar. Add at least 3 gallons. Make sure the 12v battery is adequate and give it a shot. Fingers are crossed for you!!