Has anyone on this forum gone from a Prius C to a Prius Prime? I'm especially curious about acceleration, and the ability to maintain speed on a hill. I like my C for other reasons, especially it's turning circle, but it's such a slug. On even a mild hill, it can't maintain speed, even if I floor it. All I get is noise but no change in speed. I'm constantly being passed, many times in dangerous ways by impatient drivers. So, I would appreciate any input. Other comparisons are very welcome as well. Thanks in advance!
In EV mode acceleration is excellent. In HV mode not as excellent IMHO. Seems counterintuitive doesn’t it. I think in HV mode ICE power is used to maintain the traction battery level of charge. That isn’t done in EV mode.
I can't think of a single area where the PP won't outperform the C, especially in ride and handling and of course power.
My first Prius was the Prius C - 2012. I too loved the car and really enjoyed the tight turning radius. I put about 80,000 miles on that car before I traded it for a Prius. The Prius 2015 has about 30% more HP and a slightly larger turning radius. It only took a short time to get used to the turning radius. The extra HP does make a difference. But it is not a fast car by any means. I put about 90,000 mils on this before I traded it for my Prius Prime. The Prius Prime 2020 has similar HP and turning radius to the normal Prius. I've been getting over the rated 25 miles on a charge - closer to 30-31. The Prius and Prius Prime have a lot more interior space than the Prius C did. However, the Prius Prime has less room in the hatchback area than the regular Prius had. Both Prius and Prius Prime are a real step up from the Prius C. Now I have to say that I live in Central Florida, so I don't have any real experience with any real hills or mountain driving in any of the Prius versions that I've owned. Overall, I have to say that I like the Prius Prime the best out of all three cars.
They are really different cars even on paper. I haven't driven the Prime but honestly other than the word "Prius" appearing on the back of both I wouldn't expect them to be compared to each other. Have you got aftermarket floor mats in there? I've heard some c drivers complain that they can't get full power with certain floormats installed. I haven't noticed this myself but that might just be my leaden foot. Maybe try setting the cruise control and see if it is able to hold speed better than you, since it doesn't need to push the pedal at all?
Cruise control has the same result up a hill as flooring it: lots of noise, no result. I didn't have mats until recently, no difference. Besides, one should not have to floor it just to keep your speed up on even a mild hill! BTW, I'm asking on this forum because I live in Virginia, where dealers don't sell the Prime (don't ask me why). I have to go up to Maryland to get a test drive! On my list, but I thought I'd get some feedback before that hassle.
Does it have to be a Prime? Why not the Gen 4 Hybrid? To me, a PHEV is too compromised. You get nice EV performance, but only 25 miles. Then, apparently, the HV performance is not as good as the simple Hybrid. I’ve not driven a Prime, but everyone says the HV performance is not the same as the Hybrid. If you want an EV, get an EV. Otherwise look at the Prius Hybrid. Gen 4 has plenty of power.
I like the looks of the Prius c dash better. By no means perfect (regarding ergonomics, ease of use), but I can't stomach the fourth gen dash, either Prius or Prius Prime.
The Priussy and the Prime are VERY different cars, but in terms of straight-line performance they're pretty much the same exact thing. This is because physics are a real bummer. The Priussy is a 4/5 scale Prius, with a 4/5 scale power plant (99bhp versus 121bhp) and pretty much the same 4/5-scale drivetrain - WITHOUT the same 4/5 scale price tag or really any real-world fuel economy benefit.....which is pretty much why they don't make them any more. If you're mashing down on the accelerator pedal of the C-type and screaming obscenities because it runs like a scared sloth, then you're not going to be that much more impressed with the adult-size Prius - either wireless or Prime. You can cheat on physics a little bit by playing with how you connect the ponies to the pavement, but both cars have a zero-speed, CVT'ish transmission, and itty-bitty tires. The Prius Prime is actually a little bit better at handling and road feel, probably owing to its nearly adequate suspension and battery ballast....and the PP gets a helluva lot more MPG...........for a price. Numbers are numbers You can bend them, lie with them, and perform scientifically sound "studies" with the cars - BUT HOW THEY FEEL TO YOU is going to be a little different from person to person, because not everybody has a 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon as their other "daily driver" - so "S.A.H." is gonna feel quite different to different people. I've driven each and looked at some of the automotive rag-mags. TO ME......they're BOTH slower than a G3, and that's too slow by half. YOUR mileage may differ, and if performance is your North Star, and you don't know what an HOV lane is then you may want to consider a "wireless" (Non Prime) Prius which WILL be cheaper, especially now that cars are getting to be about as inexpensive and widely available as pistol ammunition. BY THE NUMBERS.... There's only one-third of a second difference in 0-60MPH. 30-50 MPG passing acceleration - about the same (5 secs) with maybe a 0.3 second delta. 50-70 MPG passing acceleration - about the same (7 secs) with maybe a 0.3 second delta. The standing quarter mile is virtually the same. See the pattern? The Prime, as expected, has a much better lateral acceleration THAN it's younger sibling (0.83g versus 0.79g) which means that the Prime handles corners about as well as a stock BASE MODEL Corolla/Civic/etc... The Priussy isn't "dangerous" to drive on a twisty two-lane blacktop, but don't expect the drive to be much fun. That's not what Priuses are for.....
Maybe it's just me but when i'm in a low-powered car I have the expectation that I'll be flooring it early and often, every single time I drive it. I think it's just the nature of the beast. Different driving style needed for other beasts.
I personally love the PP. For me price is what got me interested in first place. With all the incentives/tax credit, it is even cheaper than the Prius. You can just drive HV only and it functions as same as the regular Prius Running in flat area, one can easilly get over 30 miles per charge. What give ups is smaller cargo & HV performance but the discount price is too hard to pass.
I went from a 2nd generation to a 21 prime. It's almost like all the wildcat 3rd party hackers ideas have been distilled into this Prime. I am an elated customer. Via Prius Chat for Android
I went from a 2013 Prius C to the new Prime. The Prime is definitely less of a slug, when in EV and jumping off the line. You do have a little bit more power going up and down rolling hills; but you'll have to fineness the gas pedal and "make a run" at them. If your driving style is to simply mash the gas pedal at the bottom or middle of the hill, you'll be sorely disappointed. When it's in HV mode, it's more "sure footed" than the C, mainly due to the few extra hundreds of pounds it's dragging around but it's going to perform like your C with a 35% increase in mileage. The Prime starts up in EV mode, it'll automatically switch to HV - if you didn't charge the traction battery. When I plan a trip into the Sierra mountain range, I'll manually switch the Prime over to HV mode out of the driveway and save the traction battery charge for the long climbs up the mountain. When going back home, I'll manually switch to EV mode when charge levels are above 15% - it's mostly down hill. The Prime will take hills like a diesel engine in EV mode, as long as the batteries will hold out. Re: your Prius C; have you changed the CVT fluid? I replace mine around 40K and the CVT tightened up a little bit.The fluid was very dark when compared to new stuff. I would still be driving my Prius C; if an uninsured motorist didn't total it out.Run your numbers; I was going to replace the C with a Corolla hybrid, but with state, local, and federal incentives the price was less than the Corolla - an added bonus was the 35% increase in mileage. I plug-in daily; so I took a $15 a month increase in my electrical bill - it's still cheaper than the 1.5 tanks of gas I would've had to pump into the old Prius C. You may also want to test drive the Kia Niro Hybrids; they have a more traditional double clutch transmission setup, but you won't be able to achieve the mileage and resale value a Prius will yield. Good Luck....