Nice car you got there! Here's my rarely driven Supra with 3000 miles after nearly 2 years. I still enjoy driving my Prius worries about people messing with the Prius when it's parked.
They have a 4 cyl model as well for 2021, but the 6 cyl is a BMW sourced inline six. Actually you can say everything on this car is nearly BMW sourced....not just the engine. MPG is really good for a car that does 0-60 in about 4 seconds, 25+. Maybe best in the industry
@itengineer and @JC91006 . Sweet!!! I should really start walking again I've got Stage 2 high BP. Maybe I can catch a glimpse in person, I guess on the rare day that you drive it @JC91006! moto g(7) power ?
Walking again? I thought you regularly walk your dog at night? If you ever go for a super long walk up to Lemon, you can probably see my car from the street (when it's parked outside)
My dog passed December 18 of last year. Darn melanoma is a nasty one. 2 surgeries, radiation treatment, melanoma vaccine could not save him, sigh... moto g(7) power ?
Nope. I haven't done anything to this car. Leave it to Toyota with 2 years Toyotacare. I got another service package that services the car until 40000 miles (so total 4 oil change services, 1 yearly). I may just stick with the GR Supra 0w-20 oil from Toyota. It's $10 a quart but it's only once a year.