I recently cleaned out rodents nests from the blower motor and cabin air filter area, rear underfloor cargo compartment and airbox under the engine air filter. Should I buy a borescope to see if the batter fan or vent tube have rodents nests? Is there enough space for rats, squirrels, or chipmunks to get in there or is it unheard of? Would a cheap $15 borescope be able to get into there from the intake vent to be able to get a good look?
Clean your hybrid battery cooling fan for it's own sake... Rodents are know to make it easy for stuff to get sucked in there, but they probably can't get in there themselves. But you be the judge of how this particular Prius poster's pic happened:
I guess they don't call 'em squirrel cage fans for nothing. But I'd expect that if the fan was clogged you'd tend to hear it more often and stay on longer than usual. It kicks into high when the battery gets hot, and then it's audible from the driver's seat. It would be normal to hear the fan when going down a long hill -- lots of regen heats the battery up. But if you're hearing the fan come on more often than normal, it's worth cleaning very soon.
im not a believer of horoscopes, read each one of them and they will apply to you, just not the month youre put in.
If I had a plugin like you I'd do it every month, but it's way more complicated to to it on a regular Gen 3.
An hour or two. @NutzAboutBolts video shows the rear seat being pulled out, but that’s really not necessary: there’s one bolt needing removal, behind the seat cushion, just below fan inlet; just push apart seat bottom and back and reach through with a 12 mm socket on longish extension. Be careful not to drop the bolt.