I just got off the phone with a dealer that said they were getting a 2022 Prime at the end of the month. I did ask "do you mean another 2021?" and they seemed sure it would be a 2022 LE. This is not a dealership I've dealt with before, so I'm not sure if they are being honest/competent. Has anyone else heard anything about timing for 2022s? It seems early unless Toyota is going with no changes for 2022 (and even then).
toyota is going with no changes, as reported here somewhere maybe next year, they are playing it close to the vest
Looks like production of 2022 have started or will start soon. 2023s might come in early too (purely my speculation). This generation is expected to run for 7 years if the rumour out of Japan are true for the next gen Prius’ arrival.
Haven't heard anything credible, but it seems like the '22 will be mostly a carryover again. Toyota Canada recently dropped the financing rates on the Prime (which are normally pretty terrible), which could be a sign of clearing inventory for a new model? Purely speculation on my part. However in recent years I believe the next model year came out around July if I am not mistaken. I am hoping the Canadian model (finally) adds the connectivity apps like Remote Connect you guys south of the border get. It's ridiculous that the "tech car" flagship doesn't have these things when less expensive cars like Camry and Corolla (!) offer this. Just like CarPlay before 2020, and AndroidAuto on the top trim (though I am an Apple house so that doesn't affect me personally). I can't understand any good reason connectivity is not offered on this car in 2021, given that other Canadian models have it (so it can't be a network thing), and other regions offer it on the same model (like the US), so it can't be a hardware/production issue. So what gives? Cost reduction? I do not know. Also on the wish list would be a nice moonroof like the regular Prius offers (I have always missed having one since before I got into Gen 2 Prius), but that is a longshot that surely wouldn't be considered before a full re-design.
Still early (just shy of two full months of ownership) but a wishlist for me is relatively short and made of nice to haves (nothing is a deal breaker in this list). I’m quite happy with what what I already have. Just some ideas for the next generation. Double the EV range/capacity. Perhaps this would require a solid state battery to maintain overall efficiency. Nicer screen (LESS GLARE) but not necessarily bigger than the base radio head unit (and KEEP the buttons on radio and for HVAC). Ability to use rear camera as rear view mirror. The same rear view camera shielding as on my wife’s VW GTI (VW emblem lifts up and reveals the camera, while keeping it clean—equipped with a washer jet if combined with using the camera as rear view mirror substitute). Convex mirror on both doors. (Had this on a rental in Germany a few years ago and loved it). Dual voltage EVSE with proper adapters. Better speakers with base radio. More flexible programming for charging. Even with a small battery, being able to choose a SOC limit would simplify many things. Adaptive headlights (Canada is not stuck with the obsolete 1948 US law on this matter—we should get what the Europeans get, for all cars, not just a Prime).
I'd settle for having at least one USB charging outlet for each seat and more than one 12V outlet in the whole car.
No. 1 is a hope based on possible solid state battery breakthroughs. The other two are already available in Europe on cars of various price categories and could easily be available in North America if not for the antiquated and obsolete US laws on such things AND foreign auto makers’ stubborn refusal to treat Canada as a separate market 98.5%* of the time. *This percentage is a rough guess on my part and is not an official statistic. It is reflective of market realities and the frustration some Canadians feel at being denied options that would make sense to our own market (colder climate per capita, significantly higher fuel costs, etc.) simply because they are not relevant to our neighbours to the south while acknowledging some marginal elements where the Canadian context is acknowledged (usually related to HVAC/other features for cold weather).
I sympathize with the situation in the Canadian market. There are some great cars that the US will never get because of market reasons. Solid state batteries won't be available for the next gen Prius Prime. It is simply a matter of timing. Assuming the pilot programs work out, there is going to be a limited supply of them in that time frame. With the regulation landscapes, Toyota will need them for BEVs. The batteries are also going to cost more than available Li-ion batteries.