Has anyone had any issues with turning the car on when they have a sunshield in the windshield? I purchased a heat shield brand sunshade for my windshield, if the sunshade is in the window and you push the power button the car will not go into the ready mode it acts just like when you push the power button without applying the brake, lights come on but won’t go into ready mode.
make sure your brake lights come on when you step on the brake before pushing the power button. never heard of sunshade interference, where is the fob? try a new battery. how old is the 12 volt?
Key fob is in my pocket, 12 volt practicaly new, the only time it does it is when the sunshade is in the window
no, I always remove mine before starting the car because it would obstruct my view while driving. 100% start up success in that sequence.