Does our Gen 2 have that light? I don't see it on the dash, then I found reference in the manual, looks like it's on the climate screen, but still could not locate it. Anybody ever see it ?
ALL of the warning lights should come ON for a few seconds every time you start the car. Watch for it in the place you think it should be.
Thanks Sam, I don't think you're right about that light, you reply is about nothing. can you tell me where it is ?. I do NOT see it on the main cluster upon start or in the manual. Can you check your Prius, do you have it ? Anybody knows ? does it mean that it's still on hte climate screen? anybody saw it, I've checked it too with the special light to see its burnout but could not confirm .
Yes, I think the Gen 2 oil pressure "light" is nothing more than an icon on the MFD screen, as shown in your owners' manual, along with the battery, steering, headlight aiming, and similar icons that are shown there. And no, in my recollection, the automatic test of real warning lights, when the car is started, does not include also displaying all the warning icons on the MFD. After all, it's just a bitmapped display; the icons aren't physically "there" in some way you could test. If you can see that the display works, you can be pretty confident it will show you the right icons whenever it's programmed to.
Thanks Chapman!!! Hope I will never see it. I literally tried to map picture from the manual into my MFD and don't think there is any space on the top left for those icons, but probably I'm wrong. And if you currently on the let say map screen, what will happened ? One guy from Service mentioned that with Low Pressure Oil <maintenance light> might come on.
If you look closely at the picture in your manual, you'll see the top of the climate display has been blanked out, with the warning icons displayed over the blanked area. That makes them easier for you to recognize than if, say, it just displayed them as transparent icons superimposed over the displayed screen. That would be all cool and Apple-like, but more difficult for quick visual recognition.
Having read some other threads, I believe that the "master warning light" (RTOD) will come on as well as the smaller icon on the MFD in the event that the oil pressure switch indicates no pressure while the engine is running. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks Mr and ChapmanF ! I got it that it's nothing (blank strip) if everything is OK. Still not sure how usable it. I also don't think that displayed image in manual reflect exact picture, I examine mine, not too many open space on the top, plus as I mentioned I used cell phone guy to examine what could be behind this strip and he could not find anything. I have most lux configuration with leather, GPS. I will try to post exact side by side compare for all bit later. it's getting really exciting, I could not find anybody who ever saw this light-). Neither any servicemen have sure answers. Best M
There is nothing for you to find. It's a simple bitmapped computer display. Normally it uses the full screen to draw the climate controls, or the audio, or the map, or whatever you have selected. If it needs to show you one of those warning icons, it stops drawing the top part of the normal image, and it draws the icon in the resulting blank area. If your life won't be complete until you see the icon, you could pop the hood and unplug the wire from the oil pressure switch. Then you could start the car up, admire the icon, and then plug the switch back in.
Honestly to see the low oil level warring light on a Gen 2, takes a truly criminal level of engine abuse? Any sane person, would never see it? Car's need oil, cars burn oil (anyway) to greater or lesser degrees? Just check the oil at every fill up or every other fill at the minimum and you will never see that light anyway.
Tx Chapman, I will try to light it up. + <oil level> and <oil pressure level> are different things. for sure Toyota made a super good good so nobody ever saw thig light. Thanks all
While reading your post here, I see your avatar on my computer screen. But if I used a cell phone guy to examine what's behind my computer screen looking for it, he wouldn't find anything.