I noticed in both of my Primes, when I go to traffic >> Predictive Traffic Map, it says "No Data Available" try again later. It does the same for the Weather Map. Is there a way to activate the Data or am I missing otherwise missing something? Both vehicles are about 2-3 weeks old at the moment and the connected services are seemingly connected. Hmmmm
I don’t believe it uses connected services. Rather HD Radio or an internet connected smartphone running the Toyota App. J
Thats what I noticed on page 150 of the manual. I do have Data Services set to HD Radio and Mobile but data never seems to make it on either vehicle, into the nav.
First, I think you need to have your mobile phone connected. Bluetooth or USB cable + Toyota app (and your phone needs a decent signal). Second, it may take a few tries before the data actually come up. I had to hit "open map" like 3 times last time I brought up the weather map. Although subsequent tries worked 1st time during that trip.
I had guidance underway today and noticed the traffic flow and audible notifications are working perfectly! Hooray!