Well, I can't enter the site because the text overlaps and every time I try to enter I get sent to the camry site instead. Anyone care to post a link to the page you get after you hit "enter"? Sorry, but it's poorly designed. (And I hate all that FLASH crap.) I'm not impressed when the site is not useable by as many people as possible. Sorry, some of us have Macs. Not everyone uses Internet Explorer. Overlapping text (and overlapping links) is simply inexcuseable.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Oct 26 2006, 07:28 PM) [snapback]338943[/snapback]</div> I agree with all that. I'm having problems getting you a direct link. :angry:
Got mine at the office today. I'll try the web site later tonight and see if it will allow me to register now.
This is absolutely typical Toyota website design. Relying on NONSTANDARD scripting bullshit that won't work for anyone who has even the vaguest CLUE about client-side security. And why the F are they trying to "build a community" when we've got a perfectly good vibrant one RIGHT HERE at PC that Toyota could simply participate in more often than when they have to handle a recall? . The persistence of this stupidity is astounding, coming from a company that's capable of engineering some really good things. . _H*
Okay. I downloaded the page and opened it in Dreamweaver to see if I could see the link for "enter this site". It views fine in Dreamweaver. No overlapping text. But when I go to preview it in the various browsers I get the overlapping sh!t. So I deleted the entire text box leaving just the "enter this site" button. When I preview that I get a javascript that means it opens in a new window. (I hate that cr@p). Here it is: java scriptpenHSD('GM_HSD_LANDING_MINISITE'); So I went back to the site moving my cursor over it and looking at the links on the bottom (I'm using Mozilla). The identical javascript window is in the first paragraph where the hot-text says "Hybrid Synergy Drive". I clicked on it and a new window appears with the "gallons of gas saved" counter. Now I'm waiting for the flash to finish downloading or whatever POS there is. Granted I've got dialup at home, but even with the fast connections I've got at work....I would not wait for this to load but have closed the window and moved on. And there doesn't appear to be any link that leads any further from this javascript window. So what is the point? I joined the ownership page when I first bought my car. I don't see any "community". And when I click on "owners" and log in....I go to my page that offers me specials on service. Big deal. I can "submit a story". So what? There is no Prius community there. *This* is a Prius community. This is some webjockey's idea of being cool and impressive. Which is it NOT when it doesn't work. Impressive turns to stupid when it doesn't work. (Anyone reading this, Toyota?) Try the KISS style of webdesign. If this was designed to make money....you'd be losing big bucks. As it is....I'm not going to waste my time trying to access it any more. Prius owners aren't exactly a major commodity. Allow only a fraction of THEM to access your website and you're basically wasting your time. I highly recommend these books (unfortunately out of print now): Webpages that suck Son of Webpages that Suck "Learn Good Design by Looking at Bad Design" Bottom line: If it doesn't work....you're losing money. This site doesn't work for too many Prius owners. And considering how few of us there are....that majorly sucks.
I received the card in today's mail. I went to the site, but honestly I do not think that it was worth it. Unless I am missing something the only thing that you can do there is to create a list of five "reasons". Oh, and you can view the marketing information on the HH and Camry Hybrid. :huh: I already own a Prius - presumably why I was sent a card in the first place... Maybe it's me. I just do not understand.
I saw this a few weeks ago as well but got the card today. I would also say it's clearly not a community, it's more like a survey-based advertisement which seems funny because they're basically preaching to the choir. The flash as some cute ideas in it, but it's buggy even if you're running it on a system that fully supports such things. A bit rough around the edges, but I'd say they can do a better job by just putting up a page that looks like this: http://priuschat.com
I got the postcard two days ago, but encountered the problem with getting stuck at password confirmation. I finally did make it in and have so far found it worth the visit. I especially like the link to the newsletter, and it looks like Toyota might use it as a way to gather info from enthusiasts (or addicts) via short surveys. I've never had a car where the car company was this interested in my interest. It just keeps getting better.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Smoke @ Oct 27 2006, 11:12 PM) [snapback]339765[/snapback]</div> Back in the day, when Saturn was "a different kind of car for a different kind of person," they did this sort of thing only in a MUCH bigger way. I got to go to the 1994 Saturn Homecoming in Tennessee and I kid y'all not when I say that it remains, over a decade later, one of the most fun and exciting vacation experiences of my life. (Tours, free food, a private Wynonna Judd concert with fireworks, displays, surveys, free trips to Opryland, etc.) And if only Saturn had remained Saturn and not become just another meaningless nameplate of GM, and had kept making cars as great as that '94 (our 2000 has had more problems and cost me more money in repairs than I think I spent on the '94 in the 12 years I owned it -- right up to the minute I traded it in to Toyota) and had come out with a genuine hybrid sedan, I'd *still* be a proud Saturn owner. In fact, having to leave Saturn is my one regret about the Prius. I got 12 years worth of free car washes anytime I came in for service. Periodically, they'd do a full interior cleaning for free too. Toyota wanted me to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for that kind of "courtesy." For at least five or six years, every time you picked your Saturn up from service, there would be some kind of token gift in the car -- a rose, a logo pen, a mint, a keytag, whatever. Saturn gave me nearly as much trade-in money for a rusted to death junker, no "haggling" as Toyota gave me for my terrific condition, nothing wrong with it but I was tired of it, '94 Saturn after I had to play the "I can walk away anytime" game with them. With Toyota I *know* I got the short end of the stick (aside from the actual car itself) -- I never felt that way with Saturn. Oh, and let's not forget to mention that neither of the dealers at either of the Toyota dealerships I test-drove at actually knew a thing about the Prius other than how to turn it on. The car sold itself, plain and simple, despite the Toyota corporation's worst efforts. And they wonder why all the American auto makers are going under. This post answers that in a nutshell. Stop making reliable cars and giving superior service, and a superior car with shitty service will win anytime.
I got the card and tried the site. Lots of problems with the site... won't accept text, requires text in boxes that already have text, states my 10-letter password doesn't meet the minimum 6-letter requirment, much of the page is off the screen.
Well, using a PC and Firefox, I got as far as the screen with the swirling mass of colorful dots that I'm sure mean something (members of the Toyota hybrid community, perhaps?), and after 10 minutes, I'm still seeing "Transferring data from www.toyota.com". So, I'm not going any further with this. The most poorly designed, user unfriendly websites today have poorly applied Flash and other "bells and whistles", and this seems to be one of those sites. Toyota builds some great vehicles. Great websites? Not so much.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Oct 26 2006, 08:28 PM) [snapback]338943[/snapback]</div> I agree Godiva. I get really annoyed these days when a lot of websites are going to the flash menus and all that jazz. It always seems to be buggy and slow. Most of the time I just leave the site once I found out it is in flash. Using IE for me made it work, but I hate having to resort to that.
Went to the site and looked at other peoples' "Top 5" reasons. I had to LOL when someones reason was "Because my kids said so" or something like that.
I got the card a few days ago, the website worked for me but it wouldn't take my hotmail address so I had to use another one. I also thought the text was too small and hard to read. I spent way too much time fussing over picking reasons -I became verry anoyed that I couldn't find reasons that I wanted to use and there was no place to enter my own (so I guess the web designers just thought up a few reasons and put them in as the only possible choices?). I thought the whole thing was a big waste of time and just plain frustrating. I'd much rather spend time reading Priuschat posts, at least you can get some information for your time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Dr Ed @ Oct 27 2006, 11:19 PM) [snapback]339789[/snapback]</div> I am using Firefox and got in (was a little hung up by the Terms agreement part-can't click on the bottom right, you have to click on the one in the middle). I agree with most that they over-engineered it, but nice that they ask...should be interesting to see stats. -jack
Finally got the card on Saturday, should have known it takes a little more time for things to happen here in the South. Anyway, got into the site, I think they did a good job with it and I am looking forward to seeing the stats.
I have to mostly agree with the others comments - My take...the site is pretty KLUNKY! I used IE 7.0 A LOT of work for very little satisfaction. Spent a lot of time trying to pick out my 5 best reasons. When I go back to site, I can go to the reasons that I've picked out. But the damn screen content is EMPTY! I'll probably not ever go back -