Gotta love peeking through the crack in the fence at stuff. Do people who shoot video like that have their eyes stacked on top of each other so their peripheral vision is 90 degrees off from normal people? Or do they just like having a tiny little picture in the middle 1/3 of the screen? But I do agree with Aldo that it looks very cool unless the sun is at the wrong angle. Definitely could cause a wreck.
Geeze-louise, Justin Beiber called from 10 years ago and wants his chrome plated ala Dubai Fisker gauche-mobile back. Perhaps it'sjust a matter of taste,... but yechhhh!
What a great term!! I'm stealing that one. And it just occurred to me that the T-1000 is very sneaky, so please be very careful.
I wonder if he's a Hoosier?? I see he has a Purdue license plate. I'll have to look for a bright meteor coming down the road when out and about. I actually like this though if any car screams chrome wheels it's this one! Edit - looked up the "Columbia Gyros" that is in the video and it says Hammond.
Oh my god, it reminds me of the ship from Flight of the Navigator. I would enjoy seeing it, but not when I'm driving in the bright light! "I identify as a Prius" ahhahaha.
I'm ambivalent about the look... but you're making me wonder if this would work to keep other drivers from crowding me on the roads. Random trivia: it's an antique now, but I still own one of the computers used to render that image sequence for the film. (it's boring beige)
That's cool!! I had a 68030 powered Amiga back in those days. But by the time I got it, it was already outperformed by the 68040 machines. I sure wish I'd hung on to it, though.
We didn't get a computer at home until "late" in the game when we got our IBM XT 286. I remember marveling at how easy it was to do my reports for school in WordPerfect on that thing and the QuietWriter printer instead of the IBM Selectric I had used before. I was the only kid in the class with no white-out and fully justified text As for the chrome, I hope that lasts longer than the "chrome" coating that flakes off of the plastic stuff I have.
I would have (and did!) done something different. But if you like it, great! That's all that matters. I'm just sick and tired of people who are too lazy (or too broke) to customize their cars. Com'on, have some spirit and personality.