My thinking is that Running the AC on my 2010 Prius would be taxing enough to the 12 volt battery, especially since the desert heat is well over 100. The thought of using my CD player at the same time seemed foolish, however after succumbing to the temptation, the next time I tried to start my car, it was not happy, the lights on the dash flickered for a second, and now Nada, nothing, dead as a doornail. Any one else agree with this theory? My other theory is that when I went to start the car I pushed the power and turned the lights on at the same time and immediately geeked it out. Only asking so I can avoid making the same mistake in the future.
How old is the 12V battery? The A/C compressor runs off the hybrid battery so the 12V shouldn't matter as much.
What Tideland Prius says, the AC is run off the HV battery. Using the CD player can not be a problem at anytime, except when you don't have the car in READY mode, then it will not charge the 12V battery. So when you "start" the car without using the brake pedal.
@Retro-Favorite if jumping to conclusions was an equestrian event you’d go far, lol. Yeah start by checking the 12 volt. An electronic load tester is the bees knees. Dealerships have them but will likely charge to check. Automotive retailers selling batteries will usually also have them, and offer free checks. For DIY, check out the prosumer level Solar BA9 and similar offerings.
a bad ground wire will do stuff like that. clean your terminals and inspect them under the insulation for corrosion. if the leads are good the battery is junk
I agree. Some people clean their cars with ac and CD player running together on assessory mode. And some do that with car washes but on neutral and hv bat goes down to one bar.