Well, I would first like to thank the Academy for all of the support over the last year...I would like to thank my attorney for doing the deal (just kidding--Oscars joke). That's right folks, our Prius is finally here. We ordered Seaside 2 on 11-19-03, and then expanded our preference to Seaside anything with curtain airbags. All of the horror drama stories of Texas Toyota dealers gone bad didn't apply to our experience. We arrived at the dealership and an hour later the Prius was ours. There was no pressure to buy service contracts, pinstriping, windshield insurance, etc. The price was exactly MSRP. So after an excited night's sleep, knowing that the Prius was in our garage, we had to make sure it wasn't a dream. Yep, it's true. The Prius is here! The Prius is here! The Prius is here!
Congrats! Glad to hear that GST didn't add on all the extra port options. What package did you end up getting?
We took delivery of a Seaside 6 (curtain airbags, smart start/entry, rear wiper). The Prius manager at Champion Toyota in Houston (where we bought the car) told us that the GST package is not required from upper mgmt. He said it gives dealers a bad name to insist this package is a requirement when it's not.