Only 100k miles but 10 years old Worried about hybrid battery failing. Can get 6K at Carmax.. Seeing Prius Primes going for 22 (some travel needed) 22 - 6 - 4.5 (Fed Tax Credit) = 11.5
No app and not a scientific analysis but seeing various websites state that the battery chemistry might be unreliable after 10 years
I believe the federal tax credit isn’t a full refund. It’s only beneficial if you owe taxes that equate that amount. If you get taxes back that federal credit doesn’t mean anything. Someone correct me if I’m wrong
If you have income large enough to owe $4.5k in federal taxes you will get it even if you already paid through payroll deduction or quarterly payments. It has nothing to do with if you get a refund when you file your taxes. That just means you paid more taxes than required. If the Op is an IT Engineer gainfully employed, he probably pays enough federal income tax to qualify.