Hello, Just open up HV battery cover and see multiple corrosive bus bars and nuts on the negative side of my 2013 105K miles Gen II. I believe HV Battery warranty is out now, since it originally from Kansas City, but now registered in Calif. (Dealer denied 15000K miles HV warranty even It has been registered in California for last 4yrs. Voltage maintain in 15.4-15.8v on all module, but I felt quick charge and quick drop recently. My question is, What else need to add in Vinegar beside Sea Salt? Some Youtuber shows to boil up the Vinegar for more effective. I also thinking to recondition this HV Battery with Prolong... For $400 Prolong device? Don't know is it worth it? I can always swap battery module for $30-35 each or perhaps I can be recondition each module individually.
I rebuilt my pack 2 years ago cleaned the bars, SS nuts etc. Opened it yesterday, every single Neg post had corrosion with white a fuzzy coating on the battery post and the copper bars with blue corrosion front and back. The positive sides are clear. Here is a pic of another pack same age, all cells in parallel using plumbers strapping (steel and copper) as buss bar material for testing. Max charge on my PS is 10amps into 28 cells. Anyway, every negative post has corrosion, blue on the copper and rust on the steel! This is sitting on a bench in a climate controlled basement, my electronics lab. The impression I get is the electrolyte is leaking under load from the Neg Post seals. I am going to try the nickel buss plates available and hope it is more resistant to the electrolyte.