1. Checked tire pressures (including spare) 2. Changed oil/filter 3. Checked all other fluids 4. Replaced wiper blade inserts AND HAD ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUES!!!
Go anywhere fun? We just took our 2019 Prime up the best coast to Fort Bragg. Nice little road trip: Even got a new wine club membership out of the trip:
Won't be leaving until tomorrow. Going to PA to see family and do a framing inspection for a new home being built. Not a particularly picturesque trip, but looking forward to leaving New York behind.
Which one? Braxton Bragg or Edward Bragg? I just checked my map....both are on the east coast, not the Gulf Coast.
My family is from northeastern PA (1/2 hour west of Wilkes-Barre) and the best time of year to go there is September / October: They live in the sticks so a nice place to get away. Safe travels on your upcoming trip.
This one: Fort Bragg Home - Fort Bragg Named for Braxton Bragg apparently. Dinner at the wharf was nice.
Sorry...couldn't help myself. Fort Bragg is (for now) indeed named after one Braxton Bragg who, like more than a few West Pointers, missread his commissioning papers after he graduated and was sworn in as an ossifer in the USA, and betrayed his country when the curiously named "Civil War" kicked off. Unlike most of of his peers however he was, at best, a lightweight as a strategerist and a tactician (they ARE different things) and history records that he was not exactly a nice person professionally or personally. So......fast forward a hundred and a half years. The Army is under political and social pressure to rename Fort Bragg, which is actually quite a bit more expensive and complex a task than one might suppose, even by gov'mint standards. ATYPICALLY...the folks in green came up with an efficient and elegant solution. They're proposing to change the name of Fort Bragg to......................(wait for it!)....................Fort Bragg! Meaning Edward S. Bragg...cousin TO Braxton NMI Bragg. Braxton, who was a bit older than his younger cousin was not afraid that he would get treated to a middle name as awkward as Edward's, but rather it was not at all uncommon for people in the middle of the 19th century not to have a middle name or initial, and so nobody ever bothered. Eddie (whose middle name was Stuyvesant) did NOT go to the finishing school on the Hudson but rather was a practicing attorney some place up in the frozen North when the war started. He was defending a woman for murder at the time and word in some of the history books is that he requested a recess and returned to the home sod to raise a company of volunteers (Braxton's Rifles) He served his nation faithfully and well, finishing his very short career as a one-star and beating heck out of Braxton's street cred as a leader, doer, thinker, and general ossifer. Despite all of this, he went on to become a Congress Critter - but to be fair, some in that august body did and do have some personal integrity.....which reminds me.....I don't know what eventually happened to the woman he was defending at the time. The good news is that, if they let the USA get away with this solution it will be much easier on everybody. The not-so-good news is that neither Ft Bragg NOR Ft Bragg will be situated on the...."best" coast. YMMV
The town which I grew up in is home of the largest natural lake in Pennsylvania: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harveys_Lake,_Pennsylvania I visit occasionally and it's always nice to go back. Good luck with the relo.
Been to Harvey's Lake a couple of times. Nice area. Looking forward to visiting Cherry Springs State Park. Cherry Springs State Park
I've been through there. Nice park . Hiked the Susqehannock trial as a scout and passed through one of the nearest towns Cross Fork. Interesting part of Pennsylvania as it is real remote with not much around at all. Nice place to get away from normal life.