Any idea about possible causes of this happening? In attach is the result of Healt Check with Techstream. DTC errors are : P0A0F, P3000, P3190, B1421, B1471, but after 10 minutes I did again Healt Check with other DTC errors : P0A0F, P3190, C1259, C1310, B1421 ...
Some bread crumbs are the detail code 204 for P0A0F. Figure out what that is and what the trouble shooting steps are(as an example) and you'll be closer to determining the cause. Some questions: How much gas is in the car? Any recent maintenance performed? Have the dash lights just recently started coming on? Good luck and keep us posted.
Strange thing happenned... First of all, I would like to thank you Raytheeagle for your concern, and help... Fortunately, I must admit I was very lucky and a problem that could cost me around 700-800 usd, was just resolved at a blink of the eye... In attach some pictures tooked today (you can observe time on dash to find out how many minutes took to charge), after the issue was gone... The problem was connector from intake air sensor. First I took it out, delete errors and when I start the car the engine didn't stop as usual, after 15 sec... After driving 5 km, without connector I stopped the car and only 2 errors, regarding air intake circuit high and MAF circuit low... I put back the connector, delete errors and drive for aprox 3 hours, nothing unusual, no DTC coming... Therefore, I suspect humidity inside connector...