This link should take you there: The red car on the first two lines is his.
Hehe. No problem, glad to help. Tabasco looks pretty sweet, doesn't she? Nothing like the love between a man (or woman, in my case) and his car.... *hugs Prius*
Yes, Tabasco looks gorgeous. I thought my silver(unnamed yet-still looking for a name) looked shiny but, the salsa looks great. It makes me wish I had gone with the salsa red as I originally planned.
Yes, the Salsa is drop-dead gorgeous. Stunning. But I got the chance to see a silver up close the other day, and I must say is looks far better in person than what a computer monitor makes it look. I was pleasantly surprised. I actually find myself hoping that I get notified of an available silver. Best silver I've ever seen on a car.
GAH! Are you kidding?! Yours is beautiful!! As I said, silver Prii are the best, most stunning, silver found on any car and I hope that I end up with one too. I love your silver. Oops, better mop up my drool from the keyboard... *mop mop* See what staring at your pics have made me do?!
Thanks. Even though I had seen lots of silver ones before, one on my daily walk and had rented a silver for a couple of days, I was amazed when I first saw my #7 after a 300 mile drive. It was so shiny and new....the smell coming from the partially opened windows(it was close to 100 F)....Now that mine is three weeks old, Manny's looks much more shiny.
Yeah, but I'm driving next to some highway construction during my commute, so I have a nice layer of dust on Tabasco right now. 1st car wash this weekend.
Manny: beware the dangers of construction and new cars!! You could hit a bad bump and loose a hubcap (I've done that)... or something could fly and hit Tabasco. Be careful!! I love washing my Beast Blazer. I consider it to be bonding with him. Showing him love. Gurmail: how about Sterling (Silver)? I could come up with more (and likely more creative), but I've had a long day at work so my brain is otherwise dead for the night.... I can't wait to name mine when it arrives. My current blazer is named Beast (self-explanitory, no?).
Silver Names Lets see - Tin Man (OZ reference) Bullet Streak Fox Mercury Chromium Susan, Stanley, Stephen, Sally, Platinum Jewel Gladiator Titanium Oh well, this is not going as well as I thought it would. I guess I'd have to see it in person. Good luck with the name selection.
I like Silver and Black personally. But of the two, I'd take Silver. Black's too hard to keep clean, a birds magically see a bulls-eye on it :lol:
Birds magically see bulls-eyes on any car freshly washed! :lol: They like white cars too (especially after eating purple berries).....