Hi All? Just got my 2021 Prime in Blue. Loving it so far. Just downloaded the Toyota app, then searched for threads and did not find this answer. I seems the Prime XLE does not have the 'find my car' in the toyota app. Am I missing something? Frank D
I haven't seen it for the Prime on the app. Nor is there unlock and lock your doors on the app as they advertise on the website. Strangely the section on Toyota's website for Support Topics the Remote Services is under maintenance.
The functions of the Toyota app from the Prime 2021 are extremely limited. You can turn on/off the car and its AC, start charging and check battery charge level and miles driven. As well as an overview of historic fuel consumption (with some nonsensical comparisons to other drivers.) Other than that, not much else. Meh. What a wasted opportunity. Sometimes I feel the infotainment system is from the early 2000s, instead of this decade. It is already good that Car play is available. Albeit using only the crammed top portion of the huge screen, which is a pity. I'd like Car Play to be able to use a lot more of the screen's size.
I've only needed something like that once. I just have an app on my iPhone called find my car. It remembers where I parked and shows me the spot. Well, it did the one time I used it.
If you connect an iPhone with the car, either via BT or via Apple Car Play (USB), it will remember where you have parked the car. It is a setting for "Maps" (Settings --> Maps)
A rule of hiking in the woods and mountains with GPS: Always mark your starting point, so that even if otherwise 'lost', you can still find your way back to the car. Or at least know the direction and distance, if the intervening terrain is impassible. I was doing this even with my very first GPS device, before they had map displays. Ginormous parking lots, big enough for sports palaces or long term major airport parking or mega-malls. Combine this with either less than perfect memory, or a bit of aging. Or for a few nameless folks, both.
Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Shows how often I need it ... and how bad my memory is. Yup! Less than perfect memory. (See above for proof. )
I really don't know what's included in the 2021 Prime, but my 2017 as both a "vehicle finder" and a "charging station map" included in the early version of the Toyota Entune smartphone app. I discovered that the "vehicle finder" works by asking the Prime for its GPS location and then compares that with the GPS location of the cellphone to present a map. Unfortunately, if your cellphone's GPS is not working or you are located somewhere with no GPS signal, then the "vehicle finder" app fails. While I doubt at Toyota planned it that way, the "charging station map" can be used as a vehicle locator. It also inquires the Prime's location and then places it on a map showing nearby charging stations from Toyota's database. Although it still requires that your Prime be able to connect to Toyota's telematics system (which it does via Verizon), it does not require you to have your own phone's GPS information. And this can be handy if you're deep indoors with no view of the GPS satellites.