Hi All, The car is 2009 gen 3 prius with est. 155,000 km on it. Oil and filter changed, throttle cleaned just less than 2000 km, I put half bottle of STP fuel injector cleaner to the car while filling half tank to full. Nothing happen, when it's almost empty, then I filled with full tank of gas, then ran for approx 100 km. Then a day after, i went out to pick up something, when I was driving back home start the engine, go for about 1 km, the car start shaking and then knocking sound was heard (the car was fully warmed up). So the car was towed to home, then code scanned, nothing shown. I have cleaned the EGR pipe, valve and cooler, cleaned all injectors, replaced new spark plugs and air filter. Then I fire it up, no change, and It has error code this time P3190. So the only thing that I can think of is cleaning intake manifold and throttle body. What do you guys think ? Any experience with this issue ? TIA.
Yeah definitely clean the intake manifold, paying particular attention to the Exhaust Gas Recirculation passages: one large inlet and four capillary exits, one at each engine port. if shaking persists: leak down test to determine head gasket condition.
Thank guys, Will go for intake / throttle / MAF cleaning first, and finger crossed. Hope not the blown gasket. Thanks for the helpful info's. too.
Quick update, problem solved! Was playing idle in P/D/R/N, and it finally throwing a pending misfire code on Cylinder #3. so I swap #2/#3, and the misfire code shifted to #2. So replace all coils as they are old anyway. problem solved. Thank you all.