My 2005 Prius currently has about 135k miles. It doesn't seem to be burning any oil just yet, but I'm trying to prepare for the future. I've used Engine Restore in the past and had tremendous success in several Ford vehicles. Has anyone tried it in a Prius? The bottle specifically says not to use it in a VVT vehicle, and I'm fairly certain the Prius is VVT. However, the only issue Engine Restore seems to have is when the VVT solenoids are the type with screens that can easily be clogged by dirty oil or particulates. I do not know what kind of VVT solenoids a Prius may have to know if this would be an issue. Anyway, all of that rambling to ask: has anyone had any issues or any experience at all using Engine Restore? I love the stuff but don't want all heck to break loose if I pour it in the engine.
Can you be more specific as to which type of "restore" your additive of choice claims to offer? The ones that claim to fix leaks are the ones that can do the most long term damage to the vehicle. As for me, when I do an oil change on a really dirty engine I use a 1/2 quart of engine flush and run the engine for a few minutes before changing the oil. And sometimes I add some fuel system cleaner to the gas tank. I've also studied piston soak recipes and decided to not risk it until my 1/4 million mile engine starts burning way more oil. We often refer to these as "pour and pray" products. Most of them don't work, but at least you exhausted all your options before you directly address what needs fixing by spending the big bucks!
On our old 2010 I used BG Products EPR pre oil change and Extended Life MOA added with the fresh oil. 44k would also be added to the gas to keep that side of the equation also clean. With our 2019 Prime that has 39k miles on it, I have started the EPR and extended life MOA treatments. This is earlier I to the life of the car then when I started the 2010 (that was at 120k miles). I had oil consumption issues with the 2010 which prompted the treatment. Seemed to work.
+1 to the above advice. If the "restore" additive is one of the ones that claim to fix leaks, the a resounding, NO. Especially if you do not have any reason to believe there are leaks. Adding an engine flush to the oil just prior to changing, particularly in a dirty engine, then yes, that is a good idea. Over several oil changes, this will clear oil control drain holes if these are clogged or clogging. If that (clogged drain holes) is happening, then lower oil consumption is usually the result once the drain holes clear. There is a very fine filter in the VVT system, so it is going to be an issue if you start pouring any thing in that is going to goop or clump up the oil.