On Thursday August 12 the California Senate Appropriations Committee passed AB2628, Representative Pavley's bill allowing some hybrids to use the HOV lanes without passengers, despite significantly increased opposition. The United Auto Workers are the newest opposition, feeling that the bill discriminates against US automakers because of the 45 mpg requirement. (The Ford Escape is only rated 33 mpg) The vote was 7-4 in favor. Next week the full Senate will take the bill up. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR STATE SENATOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND ASK THEM TO VOTE YES ON THIS BILL!
I would hope not. I can't see them saying "Only hybrids, and only with Calf. plates can use the car pool lane." Alpha
Well, I'll have moved by then but I remember seeing something about there being a window cling or something similar so that you have to register the car in order to use it... Like whether or not you're handicapped, you HAVE to have a placcard to put in your window...
Will this bill get more hybrids on the road? No, because people are already buying them as fast as they can be built. Will it solve any problem long-term? No, because hybrids are coming, and soon there will be so many of them the HOV lane will become just another lane. Will it help alleviate smog? No, because the most-efficient cars will get where they're going faster, while the polluters will spend more time on the road. However, by giving one class of cars an exemption, it will help defeat the whole purpose of HOV lanes, which is to reduce congestion by encouraging car-pooling. It will also anger people who cannot afford an expensive new car.
...and even with all that...I sure know I'm gonna be reaping the benefits of the bill. Of course I agree with you. It does seem a little silly to be giving incentives on a car that has incredibly long waiting periods. Then again, the waits might not be long on these new hybrids...
I picture the court of Louis XIV, beautiful women in low-cut long dresses, men in frilly shirts, dancing to the music of Couperin.
It is a small and fully merited reward for those who care about fuel economy and the environment and have paid substantially more instead of buying a cheaper conventional car.
Not all hybrids are experiencing waiting lists like the Prius, too...so these could be seen as Insight and Hybrid Civic incentives :mrgreen: