Is the Limited worth the extra $5k on the Prime? It seems the main difference is the automatic parallel parking, which I don't think I need / never had any particular issue with that task. Which leaves the lane change monitoring , which I don't know what to think of as I've never had it. I ask all this because around me, I've found a few Limited in stock and ready to buy, but the XLE is at least a couple months backorder. I'm coming from a 2012 Prius 3 (with 230,000 miles)
Well if there's nothing on the Limited that interests you, then why spend the $5k? The XLE does have most things that people want. The BSM/RCTA and ICS can mean higher bills if someone hits you (just with the extra two radars in the rear bumper and 12 ultrasonic sonar sensors around the car) if that's a concern.
As an aging senior, the lane change/warning feature was a no brainer for us!! Love it. Have to be careful not to get lazy when driving the V, which doesn't have it. Also love the CC with the auto braking/slowing feature that the Prime has. I guess a lot of it has to do with your age. Those that we know in our age group has jumped to the Prime (or other makes with the same type of features) for safety features like that.
Yes, the Limited is well worth it. If you want to go cheapo, skip the XLE and go with the LE. XLE is a redundant trim. I owned the 2020 XLE and own the 2021 Limited now. I would never downgrade to the XLE after owning the Limited. It is a totally different car, with the crucial blind-spot monitor etc.
Our first PP was a Premium, the next two were Limiteds and we absolutely love the upgraded features. For us it was more than worth the price difference (sweeter deals and rebates didn't hurt, either).
I ended up with the limited. I like the blindspot monitoring and rear cross traffic alert, saved my butt a few times. HUD and foglights are nice to have. The feature i didnt think i would use but end up using a lot is the heated steering wheel. If you want max mpgs and ev range. Dont run the hvac when its cold, just run the heated seats and steering wheel heater. The self-parking does both parallel and perpendicular parking... is a joke, I can park faster than the system. But I think the biggest waste for the Limited is the JBL system. It doesnt sound premium at all. I rather Toyota throw in the moonroof and not the JBL like the regular prius.
I enjoy the rear cross traffic alert, the blind spot monitoring, and the HUD. I have never tried to use the self parking feature nor the heated seats or steering wheel and have only used the JBL sound system to listen to a local FM classic music station But I am happy that I bought the top of the line model.
If you have the money go for the limited I wouldn't bother with an XLE again Wireless charger doesn't work with an otter box or rugged case from my experience The 11.5 inch screen for me was really nice... but kind of useless because the nav sucked and I hated a lack of actual buttons I'd do a Limifed for the JBL, rear cross and the heads up display If none of that sounds appealing to you... LE for sure I'm much happier with my LE than I was with a XLE Call me crazy, but I prefer the cloth seats over the softex too
Yeah, JBL isn't great, but try adjusting the equalizer—it'll improve the sound quite a bit. Nevertheless, the bass of the JBL audio is a lot better than the non-JBL audio. I wouldn't say I'm impressed with it overall, but it's an improvement over the nonamplified non-JBL audio.
oh i forgot to add, this highly depends on the market you're in, but there wasn't a $5k premium for my Limited over a XLE for me. When i bought it, there was only about $1k premium for the XLE. I guess some dealers are willing to go down on the Limited more. You can always get quotes for both trims.
It was about the same $1k increase for us... a lot of desirable extras for the small increase in price.
With my Premium (like the XLE) I have to fight with the big screen but don't get the BSM, RCTA, HUD, etc, to make up for that spectacular waste of technology. If I had it to do over again, I'd get the top of the line. Perhaps next year. First I need to use up my tax credits for the solar panels I just put in. I hope we still have them for the Prime once I'm ready for another one.
I didn’t find enough value when buying my CLE to get a Limited. Of course if I had the choice and the price was close I’d upgrade. But I think the XLE is worth it. The Softex, while not as comfortable as cloth IMO, gives me piece of mind with a messy teen. I also like the larger infotainment screen. Really the only think I miss from the Limited is BSM, but I look every time anyway. Good luck!
I traded in 2017 PP Premium (now called XLE) to 2020 PP LE to get rid of the large dysfunctional display and uncomfortable Softex seats. The price difference between XLE and LE is only $1K and I actually bought my 2017 PP at price lower than base Plus (now called LE) back in 2017. If you live in an area with large rebates, the LE is the best value. Rebates and tax credits are fixed amounts regardless of the MSRP. With LE, you can get ~40% off the MSRP. The same discount would be only 35% off of Ltd MSRP. I sold my PP LE due to working from home, but when I am back commuting, and if I buy PP again, I will only consider the LE model for purchase. There are currently no other new PHEV or BEV at ~$18K final price tag.
I have both versions in my family. If you can swing it the limited is worth it. Heads up display, heated steering wheel and foglights.
I just got a base Prime last month. With the 6500$ QC and CDN government rebates, I could have easily afforded the top model but I didn’t want fake (or real) leather (never liked leather seats) if I could avoid it. I most emphatically did NOT want the big screen (no physical controls for HVAC, no sale). Saved a whack of money (over 4000$) in the bargain. But, of course, to each his own.