Has anyone updated their Nav DVD?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Ray Moore, Apr 4, 2004.

  1. myride

    myride Junior Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Houston Tx.
    In reply to NATERPRIUS's comment about not getting the package #9 ..... I want to say i love the nav system even if its a little hard to understand at times. The manual is not the best and the layout could use a TOYOTA redo to get it right. My girlfriend says ""READ THE WHOLE MANUAL THRU TWO TIMES"" she says things arnt where there suppose to be but their there somewhere. As for me i like the idea of being able to say "" NO DEAR IM NOT LOST"" and as for the 250 a year i think of not asking a stop and go attendent where something is. guys should never have to stop for dirrections and the nav system makes sure of this.
  2. roundy

    roundy New Member

    Jul 16, 2004
    Nav Disc

    The Nav disc Toyota uses in their system does not come from NavTech. While NavTech does supply a large number of auto makers (BMW, Mercedes, etc.) Toyota is not one of them. Toyota gets their data from Dension. Some Japanese company I believe.

    This kind of sucks because the only place you can get Nav updates is from Toyota. With Navtech, you can buy disc updates from their website, you just have to indicate which model car you have.

    If you want to copy Toyota's disc, you can forget about it right now. I've looked at the DVD. They are using a dual-layer DVD-ROM (i.e. 8.5gigs). While dual layer drives are out now and relatively cheap, dual-layer discs are not. Dual-layer DVD+R discs currently run about $10 each. While even that is cheap compared to $250, there is no guarantee the Nav DVD drive can read DVD+R DL discs. The odds are good that it can, but it's not 100%. I've been thinking about getting a DL drive, but I really have no use for it until the blank disc prices come down a bit. But, if anyone want's to potentially waste $10 on an experiment, let us know the results. :D

    But, once disc prices come down to like $1-2, the I'm sure we'll get lots of posts here reporting success or failure.

  3. bparrish

    bparrish Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2004
    Meadow Vista, CA (ne of Sacramento)
    I don't think Honda really sells these for $6, but it looked like it at first glance! I'm not sure it's always the case, but I just checked this. If you just go to the web page for ordering a DVD, it shows shipping of $6, but if you actually select, say, 2004 Accord, then all-of-a-sudden, it shows a price of $185, PLUS the $6 shipping. So it's a little cheaper than Toyota, but not much.

    The URL (linked from hondacars.com) was

    (Oops, I goofed a bit) the above URL seems to include selection of 2004 Accord, the actual one that is linked-to from hondacars.com is


    Sorry for any confusion.

  4. smackoww

    smackoww Junior Member

    Jul 27, 2004
    I don’t see the use of sophisticated copy protection necessary for navigation DVDs, so a copy can most likely be made using a dual layer burner and a dual layer disc. Use a good imaging program such as alcohol 120%. Posting the updated DVD to a newsgroup would probably be the best route for distribution.

    is the dvd even copyrighted? meaning would it even be legal to do this?