Nope. I've had two done without a hitch. It takes a skilled shop about 3 hrs to install, so don't cheap out on crappy material,
I loved the blue,my wife was kinda' "meh" with the color. The current market has been so favorable here in the NE, that we were able to move over to a Titanium Glow for little more than the cost of tires and wiper blades (after all taxes etc). The Titanium Glow actually has a dash of pink rosé to the color... we both like it!
We fell in love with the blue, but the more I look at the titanium, the more I’m digging it.... perhaps it’s because I simply want a car so can I stop Cycling 60kms a day for work haha
Well, I’m gonna present my reasoning with my wife tonight. I’m voting Titanium Glow. Why? - It’s an easier color to maintain, since she never EVER washes a car. This color will look cleaner even if it isn’t. - It’s a safer color in general, especially in low light/at night vs the blue. - In this situation, since it has almost 1/3 of the mileage that the blue one has. What will I not be getting? - roof rack. I honestly don’t see a need for one, since our other vehicle is a truck. - trailer hitch. I’ll probably get a hitch for it, however instead of having a 1” receiver like the blue one has, I’d get a 2” model so the bike rack would be much more stable. Hopefully the wife is on board and I can get this ball rolling before the weekend
Again, since the Prime is still in production, if you really wanted, you could add the OEM roof racks. (Or buy one second hand). Alternatively, there are Yakima options.
That is a nice color. I love the blue and the red, but that titanium glow has that hint of rose you mentioned earlier that makes it kind of special, too.
Curious... did you actually replace the fog lamps on the blue Prime with yellow lamps, or is that just some sort of film or cover over the stock lenses? Do you find it improves or changes the visibility?
I believe it’s just visual aesthetics. I’m actually planning on doing the same when we get ours, because I find it gives a bit of separation in the corners. Probably just a trimmed film, that’s the route I’d go vs taking everything apart.
Sent an offer for the Titanium Glow this morning. Will see what they counter offer. The ball is in their court, since they’re the ones offering delivery, because I can’t make it to them due to pandemic restrictions.
Hi Sarge, I used Lamin-X yellow sheet film, available from them direct or Amazon (on Prime to save shipping). Application is a snap... make a paper template, cut the film, clean the lens cover, and apply... voila, colored lens. It's purely cosmetic though, as with or without the yellow covering these "fog" lamps provide negligible lighting.
We’ve agreed on a price. Finalizing the transaction tomorrow and hopefully if I’m lucky, will take delivery on it Friday.
Car should be in my drive before lunch tomorrow. Wife will be at work, I’m working from home in the morning, then going to the office for the remainder of the day... with the car haha
Thanks for the reply, that's what I figured. I agree about the efficiency of these lamps though... I have had fog lamps on my 2006 and 2014 Prius and they are mainly cosmetic. I find they do help light up the ditch on the side of the road a bit when driving on unlit roads, but the effect is negligible. I figured the Prime lights might be a bit better since they are LED should put out more light, but it sounds like that's not the case (yellow or not)... Thanks.