Who wants a car that only lasts 100K miles before needing a major rebuild??? That's just silly in this day and age.
Trollbait I love how knowledgeable you are and enjoy your posts. I trust your opinion which has me questioning my own. Still after review I'm going to take a hard pass on the chain belt CVT. It might be different if the Toyota and Honda systems didn't exist and if the CVT bumped up mileage more but for the little bump in MPG they are not worth the trouble IMHO. BTW Hyundai appears to use the same type of belt everyone else's CVT uses give or take. I wouldn't use the term woven to describe it.
I'm not sure what other term applies. Many are designed that when pulled on that the links pull back in the other direction to counter stretching. I admit to not really paying close attention, but I haven't seen many reports of problems from CVTs today. Most items involve the relatively newer DCTs. While HSD like systems are mechanically simple, automatic transmissions of all types have greatly improved with time. It has been years since AAMCO worked on just transmissions. They can still fail, but so too can the inverter or battery in a hybrid. These days, a bug in the software can bring the system down. Since the '90s, I have not had any issues with transmissions in my cars, which were kept to 130k to 160k miles. The people I knew that had problems were because of manufacturing or design defects, not something related to a class of transmission.
Looks like the chain belt is different from the picture I posted. The chain belt appears to be a multi plate chain. Hard to get past all the marketing bs. The chain belt looks more like this.
We went to the Mazda and Mercedes dealers. My wife liked the premium 10 inch dash on the MB. The soul red paint on the MX5 is gorgeous! She was uncomfortable (not physically) in the MX5 because it was so tiny. Sure was cute though. I think she favored the hardtop version. She refused to drive any of them...
Soul Red Mica (and Soul Red Mica 2.0) is absolutely gorgeous in the sun. Mazda definitely hit it out of the park with their red.
Next stop might be the Hyundai dealer to look at a sporty Elantra N line. Hopefully the Elantra will be enough like my wife's current car she will actually go for a test drive. If I can't get her to drive a car I'm going to rethink the whole new car thing and go another direction. Looks like an Elantra N (not N line) is in the works. Possibly with the Veloster N's 275hp engine. Talk about a sleeper!
My wife's friend has a Camero which my wife described as "bad a$$". This is by far the most positive thing she has said about any vehicle. The friend and ba Camero:
Our sons CX-5 “might” be that red; it’s a very striking candy apple. Looks good, but the touch up pens are finicky and he reports it’s very chip prone, especially the hood. Could be a tailgating factor, but yeah...
That red is the nicest looking paint I've seen in a while. Ford had color shifting paint that was pretty cool. Nicest looking paint I ever saw was a custom crushed pearl paint job on a Porsche. They said the paint cost more than the car.
When we talked about the fate of her current car my wife got upset and said she liked her car. It has been a good car and it does look sharp. I ordered the spoiler...
It’s a tri-coat, just like Toyota’s Hypersonic Red or Supersonic Red. Toyota’s one is brighter and not as “deep”.
I ran into this same problem ~30 years ago when it was time to upgrade my wife's PC from a 386 to a 486. She was ready for the upgrade. She was NOT ready for me to sell her old one. It took months for her to accept the fact that I got more for the 386 than I paid for the 486, and that it was a good thing.
So when this started she specifically said she did not want a white car and did not want a Mustang. After discussing visibility issues with the Camero a white Mustang premium is now the frontrunner.
Mine4 was a '12 v and I certainly hauled more than 250 pounds of stuff in the trunk area. It also fits kids 300 lbs and 6'6'. Never paid attention to the suspension, sorry..
If I was trying to find a V any thoughts on 2017 vs. 2019 RAV4 hybrid? Reliability .. trying to stay in or under 25k with loaded options