I replaced the battery in the key with SKS. After replacement, the buttons on the key works (open and close doors), but the buttons on door handle in the car do not work and to start the car, the key must be in the gap. Does this mean that the smart function in the key is deprogrammed? Is it even possible? I don't have the second key. What can I do now?
I use cheap battery "no name". After replacing with duracel everythig works fine. It was strange that the buttons on the remote worked and the SKS did not work.
Probably the voltage thresholds for each system. The fob becomes unreliable from 2.9 V and considering a good quality new battery is 3.3 V, that doesn't allow for a lot of wiggle room.
IF......you intend to keep this car very long, you NEED to get a second FOB programmed. If you lose the only one or it goes bad, the fix can be VERY expensive.
At Toyota Dealership programming costs a fortune. I am looking for a brand new key to use in "chicken dance", but I don't find them anywhere on the internet. Do you have any suggestions where to buy it?