Hi there - new to this forum and hoping someone here has had a similar issue and can help. Weeks ago my 2016 Touring had a small rock flick up and hit it. Cracks have now spread across almost the entirety of the windshield in multiple directions. I was quoted at $850 to replace the windshield, and naturally went through my insurance as it covers this sort of thing and my deductible is $500.00. My insurance sent me to Safelite. Weeks ago I went in and Safelite inspected the windshield and damage. They ordered some off brand replacement and when I went in for the replacement appointment I was told by the Tech that the replacement wouldn't work due to my windshield camera and lane departure system not being compatible with what they had. They told me a special windshield and part to house and cover the camera system and heated cable would need to be ordered from Toyota. I was called and told they had the special part (from Toyota). I went in today for an appointment and the Tech inspected my car....telling me the part they had from Toyota was too small to house and cover the heated cable in my windshield..about an inch to small, and they would have to make a special order again from Toyota. I asked the Tech what the name of the part was to research it and he to my horror could not answer that question. Im still waiting for their call to tell me they placed an order for whatever this mysterious special part is and to have an appointment set up. Has anyone had anything like this happen to them before? Anyone know what the name of this mysterious part is or why a reputable company like Safelite can't get this seemingly simple part order correct after numerous orders?
Run. Away. Go to the dealer that can provide the correct glass and do the necessary installation routines for your devices.
Have the same model as you. We went to an independent glass shop (not Safelite) and paid cash (didn't use insurance). Paid about $320. They re-used the original camera covers from the car, didn't order any parts other than the glass. On the glass it says: "FUYAO", "AS1 M848", "DOT - 459", "SOLARTINT", "FW04369" The LDA came back misaligned a little bit, so just turned it off. Didn't like it anyway.
There's a lawsuit against Toyota for 2016-2018 windshields. I'm going through my third replacement and we only have 8000 miles on the car. The last two I heard a rock, but it didn't hit that hard. Seems thin or something. Here's the story... Toyota Prius Slammed With Lawsuit Over Self-Destructing Windshield | Torque News
That case, Squires et al. v. Toyota Motor Corp. et al., No. 4:18-cv-00138-ALM (E.D. Tex.), is still pending, with trial currently set for January 24, 2022. At this writing, the plaintiffs have yet to file their motion for class certification, for which the court has set a June 16 deadline. In response to a plaintiffs’ interrogatory, Toyota acknowledged that it “conducted an investigation into the Model Year 2016-17 Fourth Generation Toyota Prius vehicles bound to and sold in the United States beginning in late 2016,” which “concluded in July 2017 after it was determined that there was no inherent design, manufacturing, and/or installation defects in the windshields.” Toyota wrote further, “The investigation concluded that the chipping and cracking on 100% of the recovered windshields [...] was due to external impact of force larger than the windshields were designed to withstand.” Readers with PACER access can read the parties’ pre-trial motions and responses; one pending issue is the deposition of two Toyota employees from Japan, who don’t want to travel to the U.S. in the middle of a pandemic, and who can’t be deposed by telephone or in Japan, except in designated rooms at the U.S. Embassy and Consulate General, which are currently closed.
not sure if this is legitimate, but check it out: Toyota Prius Claims (toyotapriuswindshieldreimbursement.com) Toyota Prius Claims Toyota Prius Slammed With Lawsuit Over Self-Destructing Windshield | Torque News