Heard a scraping noise on way home, looked underneath car and this is what I see below...Emergency brake line maybe? Not 100% sure and seeing if it is something I am capable of fixing.
Any recent brake work? Those things don’t disengage easily. You’ll want to slack off the adjuster nut at the parking brake pedal completely, then try to wrestle it back on at the rear. Maybe count threads before loosening the nut, so you can get it back to where it was.
I don't think I've ever fussed with the pedal adjustment to detach or reattach the caliper ends. As long as the pedal is completely released, and you're working at the caliper anyway, there's usually enough slack to be made there by cranking the lever there in the 'apply' direction, IIRC.
Thanks again, I’ll be climbing under there tomorrow. Hopefully I can get to it without taking tire off? I have some ramps I can back up on, maybe I can get some more room to work.
easy peasy, lightly press down parking brake, if it doesn’t tighten/engages or makes the usual noise then that’s the parking brake cable.
You can scoot under without raising it. Still, probably much easier with the rear on jack stands and wheel removed.