2017 Three - new to me. Got a large crack from a folding chair falling from my garage wall. Have Geico and they use Safelite. Saturday was the replacement. Two issues - the HUD is a double image now. Also, their install was not the best - there is a small gap on the bottom between the windshield and the rubber. It’s not a uniform gap. After a few calls and fussing, Geico approved the OEM install. Have to wait another week. Safelite was just going to install another exact same part, thinking there was a defect. I was skeptical. I saw conflicting things in my forum search here. So, is there any difference in the HUD windshield or not? Is it just that the OEM is that much better than aftermarket? Re the second issue, I’m going to point out the gap to them; hopefully this just isn’t beyond their capabilities. Maybe the OEM part will make the difference too?
The windshield part number for cars with HUD plays interesting thickness games in the area where the HUD projects, so the inside and outside surfaces are not quite parallel there, and the two HUD reflections match up to your eyes. A non-HUD specific windshield will show a double image.
I'm following this conversation. I just got a chip in the lower left of my HUD capable wind screen. I'm interested to know what it costs to replace. I have no need to do it now and it isn't a star shaped chip. It is a curve of a little more than an inch. It's a very strange crack.
There are services around here that can infuse some kind of clear polymer into chips or damage of a certain size and leave it pretty much invisible, rather than replacing the whole windshield. I've used them; my insurance company encourages it (if I remember right, they waive the deductible) and I was a satisfied customer.
I used it on a VOLVO about 20 years ago - it wasn't permanent - I think my son who bought it from me had to eventually replace it, but it gave an extra 3 or 4 years by then. Quite cheap.
The HUD windshield is different from the regular windshield, has to be HUD specific if you have a HUD. Safelight is notorious for not doing things totally right, its always a hit or miss with them. And most insurance with pay for a chip in a windshield, so no out of pocket or deductible is usually required.
This was definitely a miss. They insisted it was the HUD windshield. Clearly it was not. Well, we will see if the OEM install is good.
Mine was the base model.so i just replaced it without claiming the insurance.cost me only $160 over there at mission rd just east of downtown L.A where all the windows repair shops are. Been almost a year now they did a good job no wind noise. Used the most basic after market part that fit perfectly.
Can you buy that polymer at auto zone or other? I have a chipped window on one of my windows at home . I think this will work fine for that.
I don't know where one gets it, and I also wasn't there to see how it was applied, or what equipment was needed to do it.
If you go on sites like Craigslist and Groupon, you can often find places that will do rock chips for $20 or so. I’ve done this in the past with no complaints
I'm very glad I picked up on this thread. My little chip spread right across my windshield right at eye height. I was out of town. I went to the local dealer. They gave me the name of a company they work with. I had to wait three or four days for the replacement to be shipped. I took it back to the dealership where the glass people came to replace it and then the dealership re-calibrated all my sensors. It only took two hours. I had to pay my deductible and it was done. No big deal. I got to spend an extra week with Mom as a result.
I've used them in the past when I had a chip with a star pattern. but this was a crack. It was so small and out of the way and in just one day, it spread right up to the middle of the windshield and all the way across. Bugger that!